Dustbins and Love

“…The average man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman with beautiful legs…” - Marlene Dietrich Ms Marlene was right, our sisters need to stop painting us with the same brush. A brush dipped in the in the pain of their past, dripping with blood from her own bleeding heart. 💔 Don’t get me wrong, I am not undermining the movement, yes by all mean #Men_are_Trash. Don’t worry, I won’t say noTatakho. But I will say this, Have you recognised how there is a bin in your kitchen, then there is that big black one outside, then you pass by a few on the street, then may you have a tiny one in your office. Now imagine the ratio of bin to all the other objects in the world. You have microwaves, kettles, TVz, computers, beds, mirrors, sofaz. Sorry, but jah “…not sonke…” [>>>RUNs>>>] 👀 Just for the record, I am one. But please don’t punish the gentlemen on my doing. Wipe those tears, Chivalry is alive and he is coming for you. A man who ...