The key to Life is Music,

It’s Music, The key to Life is Music, I know I should be saying life is like Music, but NO, Life is Music and vice versa, Music is Life. They are two sides of the same coin. Growing up I used to listen to Music without learning the lyrics, I never knew what was said in the songs and I didn’t care, but I knew the songs talked to me, I was the song. I didn’t understand this. I am sure you have also noticed this, that feeling when you are in sync with a certain tune/song. Trust me, it’s not the lyrics, it’s the other components of Music, the likes of Tempo, Melody, Harmony, Rhythm. When the instruments come together to create what we now call a beat, the lyrics are just a bonus. If you go thoroughly through the Music on your phone, you will notice that you never listen to all the songs at the same time. When you play music, you would skip some songs and you would say “ I am not in the MOOD for this one ”. The reason you do that is because that particular song w...