The key to Life is Music,
It’s Music,
The key to Life is Music,
I know I should be saying life is like Music, but NO, Life
is Music and vice versa, Music is Life. They are two sides of the same coin.
Growing up I used to listen to Music without learning the
lyrics, I never knew what was said in the songs and I didn’t care, but I knew
the songs talked to me, I was the song. I didn’t understand this.
I am sure you have also noticed this, that feeling when you
are in sync with a certain tune/song. Trust me, it’s not the lyrics, it’s the
other components of Music, the likes of
Tempo, Melody, Harmony, Rhythm. When the instruments come together to create
what we now call a beat, the lyrics are just a bonus.
If you go thoroughly through the Music on your phone, you
will notice that you never listen to all the songs at the same time. When you
play music, you would skip some songs and you would say “I am not in the MOOD for this one”. The reason you do that is
because that particular song wouldn’t be in sync with the Music playing in your
Life, so your LIFE rejects it, your mind feels like you are playing the tins
that are dragged by the “Just Married” car. So it requests the tracks that are
in harmony with where you are.
OMG, We can manipulate this, but let me explain further
In Men in Black 2, there was a lady who was from out of
space and she was special for some reason. The lady grew up normal and she was
not aware of her speciality. Now when Agent-K was proving to
her who she really
is, he said:
“Every time it rains you become sad/upset right ??”
She said, Yes, Agent-K continued…
“You are not sad because it’s raining, it’s raining because you are sad”
Now with the above digested, let’s get down to the ‘manipulation part’. If your mood tells you
what Music you should listen to, how about reversing the effect and using Music
to detect the Mood you are in and use Music to tell you brain what mood you
should be in.
I have already been doing this, but subconsciously so,
because I wasn’t aware I was doing it.
If you listen to, as example, Lady-Gaga when you are happy
and even ecstatic, that’s your tool of happiness. So whenever you find your
self crawling through your playlist looking for Adele or some other grim broken
hearted artist, stop yourself and go straight to Lady-Gaga and play that shit
on repeat if you have to.
Trust me on this one, it works. Don’t get me wrong, I am not
saying you should be jumping for joy all the time, but then there are those
time when you feel down-low (for reasons
known by heaven) and you would need to be in the right mood, either to work
or do some other activity that needs energy, this is when the hack applies. Use
it control and manage your Life.
And for those who are the Thomas of today, let be provide
you with some evidence to out your mind and beliefs at ease.
Let’s start with the Black Book:
1 Samuel: 14-23 (KJV)
“14 But the Spirit of the
LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. 15 And Saul's servants said unto him,
Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. 16 Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to
seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass,
when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand,
and thou shalt be well. 17 And Saul
said unto his servants, Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him
to me.
… 21
And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he
became his armourbearer. …
23 And it came to pass,
when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and
played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit
departed from him.”
Ok, maybe you’re thinking the bible is too ancient to be
used as a reference, that’s fine, let me show you the Science you trust too
In the link below is a study performed on how to hack your
mood, but they focused on Body Language, go read it for yourself:
So there you have it, meaning next time you listen to Music,
don’t ask yourself “what am I in the mood
for??” NO, this is the question you must ask “What mood am I trying to achieve”.
Here is an example of a playlist you should create on your phone
(this is my example) :
- Exercising- (Hip Hop. E.g Eminem, Kendrick, Kanye, Jay, etc.)
- Walking to work/school- (Commercial songs, any genre, e.g Gqom, etc.)
- Relaxing- (Jazz & Blues, Jonas gwangwa, Kenny G, Dave Koze, Caiphus Semenya, etc.)
- Concentrating- (Any album that I do not know, this is how I discover songs)
- Chilling (thinking about nothing)- (Deep house, more instruments the better.)
- Sleeping- (I do not sleep to Music)
The key to Life is Music, Music is Life…
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