The Environment

Once upon a time in a desert far far away live a boy aged 9 years. The boy had a loving family and a father who worked as a journalist across the world. One day, the father took the boy along one of his business trips. They visited a land that was fertile a woman’s womb. The land bare all sorts of fruits and vegetable with ease. During the trip, site seeing was organised through the land’s country side where all the farming happens. During the trip, the boy fell in love with apples. So the boy made a promise to himself, “ one day I’ll grow an apple orchard in my village ”. Powerful, the boy had successfully created a vision and developed purpose for his life, great, standing ovation for him. So over the years he stared reading farming magazines to keep his dream alive, and it worked, he dreamt of owning an apple orchard until he was a matured young man. His father seeing the passion in his eyes decided to loan him some money to buy a piece of to start the apple o...