Relationships and Lies

" Relationships are built on lies " This is a statement making it's way sweeping the streets left and right... It's jumping off people's lips and bouncing off ears... It makes a cosy little nest in the mind and control the Governance of relationships... I have been pondering this statement and i am particularly on how it affects romantic relationships... I have been thinking a long time and so far i haven't gone that far with my thoughts, here is how far i have gone: 1. " Comfort with lies " Yes, lies are comforting. But, lies don't eliminate a problem, they just postpone it into the future. And while the lies are waiting in the future they jog every morning and lift weight all day long. Drinking Protein shakes and shooting up steroids. Because when the truth comes out, it will hit your protected like a ton of bricks and they will not survive the accident. If you are lucky not to kill the person, you will leave a very nasty scare across their ...