Relationships and Lies

"Relationships are built on lies"

This is a statement making it's way sweeping the streets left and right... It's jumping off people's lips and bouncing off ears... It makes a cosy little nest in the mind and control the Governance of relationships...

I have been pondering this statement and i am particularly on how it affects romantic relationships...

I have been thinking a long time and so far i haven't gone that far with my thoughts, here is how far i have gone:

"Comfort with lies"

Yes, lies are comforting. But, lies don't eliminate a problem, they just postpone it into the future. And while the lies are waiting in the future they jog every morning and lift weight all day long. Drinking Protein shakes and shooting up steroids.

Because when the truth comes out, it will hit your protected like a ton of bricks and they will not survive the accident. If you are lucky not to kill the person, you will leave a very nasty scare across their soul.

You will destroy the life they knew and shatter the visions of the futures they were creating, because their foundation was the past and the lies you fed to them.

If an instant heart attack doesn't do the job, a long term depression poison the wells of a person's soul and the rot will do the job over time. Oh what pain... Oh what a Zombie...

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger"

A German Philosopher named Friedrich Nietzsche once said that when one survives a trauma, the trauma doesn't weaken the person, but makes the person stronger, because the next trauma will have to beat the one before to have an effect on the person.

So, if I may borrow from Mr Nietzsche, Yes, hurt the person with the little thing over time and the person becomes stronger with time. And again YES, some lies could destroy a relationship at once. And i say it's better it ends now than having to waste each other's times.

If the love was rooted in something true and deeper, i tell you my friends it will survive all those mini-truths and you will grow stronger together.

One would rather use a bucket to fetch water from the river and fill the drum rather than taking the drum to the river filling it up and attempting to carry it home.

In conclusion and tie my No.1 and No.2, There was once an experiment done which went as follows:

"...The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly..."

This is not a lecture nor a sermon, it me seeking help from brilliant minds.
At the end of the day, the choices are still yours to make with the full effects of their consequences...

Heyi, Mas'cingeni madoda... Makuthethwe...



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