Coach Carter

I write this post 📨 to you an inspired man, filled with hope that this will also find that inspiration within in you, liberate it and let it shine... Early this year I wrote about using whatever technological device (laptop/cell phone/TV) to its optimal capacity and to improve yourself. I gave a few examples how that could be implemented, but then I seemed like the “do as I say” guy as I did not give a personal example. Well, here is an example from my life. I love movies, I watch them all the time and I watch all kinds. One would never expect that you can extract rich life lessons from them, but you can, you just have to listen. When I work up on Saturday morning I brushed my teeth and made a huge ass mug of tea. I had no agenda for the day so I decided to watch a movie, I randomly chose "Coach Carter", and I surprisingly enjoyed movie, as if I was not repeating it. I was so inspired by the movie that I decided to watch it again, the second time I was watc...