
If you knocked at the door of Lady Opportunity, what would she say??

"Uxolo bhuti, ndingak'nceda?"

Or would she say:

"Hey, how are you? Come in, let's talk about your bright future?"

See the good thing is both these responses are controlled by the individual knocking at her door seeking the road to success.

That individual must be prepared, [ahlambe], they must look beautiful and Lady Opportunity must have a crush on them, "love at first sight" , then they will show thee the way to success...

And if life is a bitch, then Opportunity is the slutty cousin. Some times she feels like having a one night stand and she just stroll around looking for some random guy to give the good stuff to.

And when you are that lucky bastard you better be prepared.
 It is said that:

"It's better to be prepared and not get an opportunity that get an opportunity and you are not prepared"

Because if the latter happens, you will hate yourself for a very long time.

So what ever you are trying to achieve in life, don't stop beating on it [pun intended😎 ]. If you are a rapper, write those lyrics everyday, record 5 songs a week. If you are a student and you want to study actuarial sciences, don't stop of practicing your Maths and other subjects making sure you pass with flying colours.

Beat on your craft until Lady Opportunity says "I want that one" then she comes for you.



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