Let you Be, Allow you to Be.

One day I was attending a wedding… Ok, let me tell you about me and weddings for a little bit. I grew up in a rural area, a village as some would call it, famously known in the Eastern Cape as “ ez’lalini ” or “ ez’nkeva ”… growing up I attended a few weddings, I guess my people are fond of ‘ Vat n Sit ’ or it might just be economic challenges. So when I went to a wedding, keep in mind I was a kid, we would play around the tent until some lady called us to stand in a line and give us food. You typical samp & beans, cabbage and gravy. If you got a potato, you were one lucky sanafabish and you better pray the bullies don’t find out. Now the dilemma with a potato is that you can’t just quickly down it, it will choke you and you can’t savour it, you’ll get your behind kicked then lose your potato. See, it’s tough being a kid, choices, choices, choices… So I grew a bit older and the next weddings I attended I would sit inside tent. This was still in rural area so the same s...