
Attracts us to the people we call ours? Is it the things we both like? It can’t be because there is a young lady who is attracted to me and she LOVES God, she loves God so much that when I am standing next to her I feel like I am a Free Mason. So nope, it can be that. Let’s look into science. Maybe science was 100% correct all along, “Opposites attract”. But nah, there is a young lady I know from work, she hates everything I like, and for that I hate HER, and her whole family. The dead and the yet to be born. She is not married nor has she bared any children yet but I already hate her ugly babies. So science is also off on this one. Let’s see what Rodney Dangerfield has to say: “Everyone says that Looks don’t matter, Age is doesn’t matter, Money doesn’t matter. But I never met a girl yet who has fallen in love with an old ugly man who’s broke” Mmh, interesting… If you read nicely between those lines the answer we seek lays. So to the young stallions out there,...