Khwela Sow'Bhatele

"...Khwela Sow'Bhatele..." ~A Xhosa proverb I have been pondering this phrase for hours. With the co-thought of a good friend, where have successfully established two philosophical vantage points with endless applications as outlined below: (1) [...The Sunk cost fallacy. Which is defined and describes as when an individual continues a behaviour or endeavour as a result of previously invested resources (time, money or effort)...] I pre-apologize for this, but an example that low hanging fruit and which I plan to pick is the relationships we as times pursue as a generation. Ladies am not picking on you, BUT, how many times have you heard "We have been together for chomi" or "He is the father of my child I must bekezela" <...Vele ku ngase ndiqhabe umntu...> Anyway, This is the sunk cost fallacy in play. Due to the time invested in and bonds sort of permanent created in the relationship, one feels it's worth enduring until de...