Khwela Sow'Bhatele

"...Khwela Sow'Bhatele..."
   ~A Xhosa proverb

I have been pondering this phrase for hours. With the co-thought of a good friend, where have successfully established two philosophical vantage points with endless applications as outlined below:

[...The Sunk cost fallacy. Which is defined and describes as when an individual continues a behaviour or endeavour as a result of previously invested resources (time, money or effort)...]

I pre-apologize for this, but an example that low hanging fruit and which I plan to pick is the relationships we as times pursue as a generation.

Ladies am not picking on you, BUT, how many times have you heard "We have been together for chomi" or "He is the father of my child I must bekezela"

<...Vele ku ngase ndiqhabe umntu...>

This is the sunk cost fallacy in play. Due to the time invested in and bonds sort of permanent created in the relationship, one feels it's worth enduring until death.

The sunk cost fallacy is me eating rotten chicken livers I bought from Spar just because I paid for them. Curse of the black child.

The sunk cost fallacy is a friend of mine keeping a dying business in ICU because he worked so hard for years to get it off the ground.

Another philosophical train of thought is "Grit" vs "Fail Fast", but this will be discussed on a different post.

[...You made your bed now lie on it...]

The choice you make in life has consequences. At times the consequences that come for you are irreversible. A true definition of "The Chickens have come home to roost". This I will demonstrate with an extreme example.

Let me pick on the gentlemen this time. Guys, if you indulge in non-consensual sex and the lady reports you at the police station to open a case the following day. Khwela sow'bhatele bhuti, feeling sorry or regretting your decision won't help you much at this point. And no that point 'uxolo luse mthini'...

<Amade ngawe tyala, yilonto ndiwenza mafutshane>

So, if it's not too late, I would suggest one sits down and take account of all the rides sow'zibhatele. It might not be too late to get a refund (substitute some your choices and change the direction of your life) or to get off at the next stop (stop the effects of decisions taken in the past, go back to the drawing board and start a new path).

I would love to know what's your take on:
"...Khwela Sow'Bhatele..."
   ~A Xhosa proverb



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