New love

"...Love is not Happy with Evil but is happy with the Truth..."
~1 Corinthians 13:6
The thing we introduced to pre-marital relationships and we call dating is dragging the name of Marriage through the mud. There is a reason it was and is still called 'Holy Matrimony' but I will not get into that now.

Right now I want to get into this thing we invented without the Churches approval and against its wishes, we chose to call 'Dating'

***Story Time

One day, on a bronze summer afternoon. The sun was showing off the beauty of its colours as it danced with the atmosphere nearing the horizon, to meet its fate and fall off to the other side of the World.
A young lady, walking up the street with peaky breast shooting through her princess Cinderella t-shirt. Had freshly relaxed hair so silky you'd swear she washed it with diamond dust. Eyes so big, innocent and filled with a crisp hope of the future.

While walking up the streets, making her way to the Spaza shop to get two tomatoes and one onion as per her mother's instructions. Of course, she had ideas of her own with the 50 cents change. When a Red BMW drove down the street. Her imagination went wild as she saw herself inside, driving down the same street going home for the festive season.

"...One more year and I am off to varsity to chase my profession..."

She thought to herself as a smile decorating her African face.

The daydream was rudely disrupted by a young man. Actually a whistle, from a boy who was a Grade ahead of her at school.

[Long story short]

The boy had concocted all sort of lies and served them to this African princes. See, the young man had been getting a lot of pressure from his peers and older brother to lose his so cursed virginity.

*They exchanged numbers and started chatting.

The girl had never received so much attention and 'nice-to-have' gifts in her life. Even from her hard-working single mother and not so bothers teachers put together. It hit her, she must be in love. "...This must be the feeling they always talk about in TV and Novels..." she thought to herself.

"...Mom, I am going to a study group..."

Turned from the weapon she used to carve her future to a poison of lies. A poison that slowly dripped and unknowingly poisoned her future. Her dreams were delayed by five years, she never trusted another human being again and was so irritated by her son's "...Mama uphi uTata..." as she held "...Unga ndibuzi nga lo nja mna..." right at the tip of her tongue.

***The End

[I might write out the full story, but for now, those are all the details I need to build on to my point]

As a generate, we have adopted to "...comfort me with lies..." of course, no one signs up for this, but we accept the contract. That's why it's not rare to hear "...Yazi chomi the Red-Flags were there..."

Before I start preaching, let's learn how to Love with the Truth and form genuine bonds that will result in longer-lasting relationships,

"...Love is not Happy with Evil but is happy with the Truth..."
~1 Corinthians 13:6
Love you All



It's funny how being a virgin is a curse to Boys and treasure to Girls. The equation does not balance, But her, andizanga kuzo lungisa mhlaba, was just pointing it out.


  1. Please finish this story, I'm interested and it sounds like it could be turbulent.

    1. Will work on it... Thank you for reading, your support is well appreciated... I am super glad you enjoyed that... Be on the Look out for more,


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