I want to write “A book about Shit”…

So I have been doing a lot of thinking these past few weeks. You know the usual stuff girls my age usually think about, but most of all I have been thinking about shit. Not the usual shit though, no, not the one you leave behind after every now and then, yes, I am not talking about the one you flush down the toilet and forget about, but the one we get fed every day.

It’s funny how we believe the shit we are fed, even though one might argue that “funny” might not be the most appropriate word to use. Yes, it’s not funny, these are people’s lives, but every day we are fed shit, everywhere we are fed shit.

It is not like the shit tastes nicely or anything, because nowadays they don’t even sugar coat it, mara why do we keep swallowing. Or maybe it’s because we do not notice the bad taste, foul stench??? Bullshit!!! Shit smell and tastes bad, everyone knows this. Now why are we not doing anything and everything that might save our already endangered system from this man made virus?? Surly we must do something. Could our taste buds be blamed for betraying us and leaving us to feast on this whole load of bullshit?? No… it’s our consciousness… Our very own awareness.

It’s always too late when our brains come to the rescue because the bullshit already has you choked up at some dark corner and constipated for DAYS, MONTHS and YEARS. Imagine being constipated with someone else’s shit. Not a nice feeling at all. But why are we living that way??? That shit leaves you bloated, and trying to break wind proves to be a daunting task. So the “Tom Cruz” in you decides to fight against the mission impossible, but the results are catastrophe because that shit has been bottled up for such a long time that its smell is enough to wipe out an entire country.

So you, the brave strong soldier you are, fight through the pain. You grin and bear it, then grind through your life. You do everything in your power just to keep everything together, just to keep afloat. You fight to keep the shit aside, you just ignore that shit. This shit is so hard that it would give you haemorrhoids if you dare take it out, so you leave the shit alone, then at the end of the day you have a title: a “middle-class citizen”.

Then they comfort your spirit when they call you “the engine of this country”. They pump you up with false hopes and dreams, just to keep you going. I guess the “carrot and the stick” not only works on the donkey.

Wake up and smell the shit people…

-Anelisa Mzamo


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