Women are from Mthatha

Many many moons ago, Frank had a dream, a vision. The fallen ancestral soldiers sent him a message, izinja zeGame, frank woke up and wrote it down: “…The way to a woman’s heart is through your wallet…” ~Frank Dane In my short life on Earth, I can confirm that this is truer than true, but, a big BUT, the older generation, iGrootman decoded it all wrong. I have watched iiBhudas splash money on ladies and expect compulsory sexual consent in return. I have heard men brag how their girlfriends have R5 000 monthly allowances. When asked what they do after that? The responds is “ that’s it ”. Allow me to amend Mr Frank’s quote: “…The way to a woman’s heart is a journey, a long ass journey. Money is the ticket that allows you on the bus. Now this bus doesn’t have a destination, it just makes stop all over the country…” ~ Mzukhology So jah, that’s it. Money is the ticket, now here is the journey: Greet her politely, with love and passion, if you don’t stay with her, a morning text will d...