Light up!!!

We all know that you want to shine, what we have beeeeeen asking amongst ourselves is why you haven’t done it yet.

Maybe you’re worried about whether we will like the light you will emit, it really doesn’t matter if you shine Blue, Green, Yellow or Red. We just want you to be yourself and shine and show the world who you are.

If you’re scared that maybe People don’t like green and they won’t approve, who give a sh*t… Look at the bright side, all the people who don’t like green will exit your life and who will be left??? Your Real Friends and Family, people who will genuinely love and support you for who you really are.

They next time you’re walking pass a Sunday School session and you hear the kids recite:
“…This little light of mine, I am going to let it shine…”
You better be f*cken shining and be a good example for the kids. It is really high time people be who they are and who they want to be…

It’s a Free_World after all…



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