Flow of Knowledge...
Dear Youth ... During my high school years, in my physical sciences class, I learn about " Fiber Optics ", oh what a beautiful thing they are. Below is the technical definition of this type of technology: " A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves. Fiber optics has several advantages over traditional metal communications lines: Fiber optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than metal cables." [ www.webopedia.com/TERM/F/ fiber _ optics .html] Key Notes: 1. " transmitting messages " This is the aim of this Blog, to transmit messages, to transfer knowledge back and forth, and to support one another. There will be a variety of topics, Academics, R eligion, Politics, Philosophies, Relati onship problems, Family Problems (Not personal, but how to deal with general family problems), sport, you name it, if you can think of it, it will be here....