Pieces of Me 3.0: Person Missing

I am the only one who has lost himself???

I have noticed something about my childhood, Young Mzu was awesome, he ruled, I wanna be that nigga again. I really don’t know what happened along the way… Let’s explore:

1. When I was in pre-School, I went after the hottest girl in my village. I was after her for years and years, I never got her even though she loved me back [I have proof], she was never mine, but I do have some have memories to treasure shame.

That girl is a young happily married woman now, therefore I cannot disclose her identity. Now this new Mzu trembles at the site of a beautiful woman, I would never look at one, let alone talk to her.
Where is that brave Mzu?? The one who goes for anything he sets his eyes upon??? 
[P.S: Baby, you are beautiful and I love you, I am talking about these bitches I meet on the streets, not that I wanna talk to them, love you]

2. When I was around 11 years old, I electrocuted an older cousin of mine, he and his sisters still remember that day, he tends to remind me too now and then. Now what makes that electrocution special is the strategy I came up with, imagine, as young as I was, “I strategized”.

Ok for some background, there was this tent pole that had live electricity flowing through it, I touch it and it electrocuted me. This pissed me off and my mind was like “Mzu, nope, you can’t be the only victim, recruit someone to the pain”.

So I took one of those school chairs were the seat is plastic and the legs are steel, I pushed one of the legs into the ground until it was all in [clean mind people] and rotated the chair so that the other two touched the pole, now the chair was also LIVE, all I needed was a victim.

Then my cousin came walking by, I called him: “Bhut X, can you please assist me get this chair out of the ground, it’s stuck”. Eish, nigga came with confidence, I could see the ego in his eyes as they were saying “I’ll show you how strong I am boy”, I was just standing there looking at him like “woooooo shame”.

I got to the chair first and held the plastic side, on the other side, he grabbed the legs as strong as he could. I remember seeing his eyes pop open, I remember the sound of his teeth hitting against each other, I remember watching him crump for a few seconds before jumping back and scream “yhooooo”. All this was followed by laughter from my young high pitched voice. I remember the relief I felt as my brain loosened its muscles to a job well done, finally I was at peace, and harmony was restored.

Where is that strategic Mzu, the out of the box thinker??? I should be thinking of greater thing right now… [Ok I admit it, Young Mzu was a bit evil]

3. When I was young and I was allowed to watch TV unattended, I used to watch a lot of science (DIY) shows, I was hooked. I remember how blown my mind was when I eventually went to Grahamstown for the Science Festival. As a kid I just loved putting things together and watching them work [experiments].

Now at CNA, they used to sell science kits for kids. This one time I asked my mother for one and she refused, can you believe it, she saw that as a waste of money [you know black parents]. I don’t go to my room to cry about it and give up on experiments, I just went to my room to “strategize”.

Until one day I bumped into a recipe book, I went through the book, reading the ingredients and instructions. While I was doing this I was home all by myself, so after about 2 hours of reading, I went to the kitchen to check out if we had any of those ingredients at home. After flipping through pages and pages, I finally found a cookie recipe, and what do you know, all the ingredients were readily available.

I took out the pans, bowls, sifts and started baking. The cookies came out nicely, I packed them in a container and left them on the table then cleaned the kitchen. Those who grew up around baking know how nicely freshly baked cookies smell.

Mom came home, stepped into the door and the first thing she asks “what’s that smell?”. I replied “those are just cookies”, “where did the come from” she asked, “I baked them”.  I remember watching her laugh as she matched to the kitchen, I am sure in her mind she thought they were horrible, she took one bite, the bite that silenced her laughter. Next thing I know, I am making tea with six cookies on a side plate.

From that day on I looked for more books [Magazines] and tried as many recipes as i had time for, the nice thing about this, when I asked for extra ingredients that were not home, I got them. Everyone was happy, mom, neighbours and her friend where eating and I was doing my experiments.

Where is that Mzu who did not give up when life threw an obstacle at him??? The one who believed there is always a way, the one who didn’t look for a door BUT BUILT ONE???
[I still remember my most famous recipe, my signature dish, the one with the most request was a cookie recipe that was from the back of the Hulets 10kg sugar bag, those who were old enough to pay attention and read will remember it]

4. One summer holiday, me and my best friend [Y] were sitting outside, bored with nothing to do.  I suggested to him we start selling sweets, he agreed and just like that we were business men. We collected metal scrap and went to New Brighton to weigh it in, we got R38 from that exercise and that was enough capital to by a bag of sweets, biscuits and a bag of those small chocolotaes with 3 bars.

We bought them and started selling, they sold like hot cupcakes. We used to re-invest the profits back into the business [compound interest] and buy more products, before we knew it we were baking and selling pies. Business was growing so fast even the ideas in our heads were getting bigger and bigger.

One day we approached my father to lend us a piece of property that was not being utilised, our plan was to renovate it and rent it out to Ndamase high school kids, nigga refused, he killed our dream. We even wanted to call ZOLA-7 to assist us, hahahahaha, too much ambition.

Where is that entrepreneur Mzu??? I need him in this tough economy…
[Money doesn’t make you happy my foot]

5. When I was 6 years old, I went to Mpumalanga to stay with my aunt and start school there. On the first day, I was taken to the stuff room to be introduced to the teachers because my aunt was the principal of the school [Thembeka J.S.S].

I did my intro and everything was cool, then while I was chilling there something happened, something that defined and stuck with me during my stay in Mpumalanga. [I don’t remember the story clearly but this is how my aunt narrates it to me]

Apparently one of the teacher saw this bored young boy who is new in town and had no friends, so he took a piece of paper and a pencil, gave them to me and told to dray myself, just so I could kill time. The story goes, I took that paper, looked at it for a while and I looked him dead in the eyes and said these words “andizu konela kweli phepha mna”, I laid the paper on his desk and walked out of there like a boss. Now I don’t know if that was dumb or what, but if you ask me, Young Mzu was f*cken smart.

Now where is the Mzu who made up his own mind no matter what society was conforming to??? [Admit it, y’all were busy drawing your selves in A4 page at that time, you were just doing because you knew nothing about scales that time]

6. At one stage of my life I was the “cable guy”, I fixed TV’s and other electronics in my neighborhood.

I have already told you that I once ran away from home, WITH A PLAN…

Damn, Young Mzu was awesome, I need to find that kid and re-install him into this huge body of mine I call a life… And if anyone can help me find this dude, please do so.
Or even better, help me define this new dude I have become, who knows maybe he is awesome too and all I need to do it meet him…

- Mzukhology


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