Stick and Stones

John 8: 7 (KJV)
“… He that is without sin amongst you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
This one goes to the so called “haters”, I have never met any of you or have heard anyone admitting or claiming this status, but whoever you are, I hope this reaches you. In fact if you are reading this and you know a hater please copy the link and send it to them.

Ok wait, this is no longer addressed to the haters, it’s for the dream killers. All of them, the ones who do it intentionally and the one that are always saying “I know better, I am trying to save him from mistakes, I am saving him from himself”, WHO ASKED YOU???

These are the people that were afraid to follow their passions and chase their dreams. These are the people that looked for insurance/security in a stable ‘risk free’ job.

Let me not be unfair, the other side of the coin reads: These are the people who did not have the luxury to really decide to take their lives where they wanted them to be. Soon after graduating, they had to find a job and take their siblings to school, take care of their aging parents, lend money to the other poor relative, got married and now the kids are here, [the list goes on]. Jah neh, shit happens, it’s life…

Some are just people who never had a vision or defined a purpose for their lives, they just went through the motions of life, these are the people who are cruising through life and ‘killing time’. So the idea of someone having a vision/purpose really messes up with their narrow minds. [I personally fall in this category]

But then again, collectively, these are the people sitting behind a desk a job they do not really love, living from pay check to pay check. They are waiting to reach 65 years, so that they can cash in their pension, use it to pay off some debt collected over the years and wait silently to die. Seeing someone follow a passion just rubs them off the wrong way, it turns their stomach to an unimaginable degree, you irritate them, you make their skins crawl. Their hearts are filled with anger and bitterness, they unconsciously say ”if I didn’t do it, no one can”, it’s really not their fault, it’s the green eyed monster.

Lets’ face the facts, you cannot climb Mount Everest or go sky diving at the age of 65 years. What you can do is walk to the shops to pick up a few things, go to the pharmacy to pick up your monthly medical prescription for you arthritis, cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. At the end of the day, you are just waiting to die.

So if life has handed to you the opportunity to pursue your purpose, please do not let it miss you or mess it up, there are people who would love to be in your shoes [millions of them], whether they were to scared or ‘shit happened’, it doesn’t matter, if they dare try and be negative towards your purpose or tell you to be realistic, BLOCK THEM OUT.

We all know the phrase “sticks and stone may break my bones, but words WILL HURT YOU TOO”, so here is a little something for the hustlers/dreamers, at the end of each day, say this prayer silently then close your eyes to rest:

Sticks and stones may break my bones: but I know my purpose in this life, it is well defined, no peer pressure formed against me shall sway me the other way. I see my vision, it is clear, it is as if I am looking at it on a bright cloudless day [and yes you can compare it to a summer’s day]. I know the energy that is with in me, it is vast and is from a source of endless supplies. With these three gifts, I know I can conquer all. Tomorrow, here I come

- Mzukhology


  1. okay size let me get this straight because I am not sure if I follow,however, I am not a hater, but what I would like to know is that: are saying people should start having fun while they are still young or you are saying they should face fear and follow their dreams?

  2. #commitment #focus #determination

  3. #commitment #focus #determination


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