Don't give up 2.0

Everyone wants to be successful, some take the steps to achieve success, but only a few truly realise it...
One of the reasons for this is that we give up too easily, we give up too soon... Well, I do...

Thomas Edison failed more than 10 000 times when he was developing the light bulb, 10 000 times, but finally he did it, a light bulb, and now at night we all get the chance to play God and say "LET THERE BE LIGHT", Because one man didn't give up...

The secret to not giving up is just a switch of mindset,

Napoleon Hill said:
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve"

And when Mr. Edison was asked why did he go on after all many failed attempts? He answered:
"I did not fail ten thousand times, I just found ten thousand ways how not to do a light bulb"

This is a very famous answer, how I understood it was that when i was a child, a stove burnt me once and that was it.
Same as with the persuit of success, don't take failures personally, they are just learning curves telling you what not to do to become successful...

Napoleon Hill also said:
"Each failure comes with it a seed of equal success"

So to all the Dreamers and the Hustlers, never give up... NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!
Yes, we will laugh at you and ask you "where are with your success",
Just look at us, save your breadth and continue grinding...

Best of Luck

#MzukhEveryone wants to be successful, some take the steps to achieve success, but only a few truly realise it...
One of the reasons for this is that we give up too easily, we give up too soon... Well, I do...

Thomas Edison failed more than 10 000 times when he was developing the light bulb, 10 000 times, but finally he did it, a light bulb, and now at night we all get the chance to play God and say "LET THERE BE LIGHT", Because one man didn't give up...

The secret to not giving up is just a switch of mindset,

Napoleon Hill said:
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve"

And when Mr. Edison was asked why did he go on after all many failed attempts? He answered:
"I did not fail ten thousand times, I just found ten thousand ways how not to do a light bulb"

This is a very famous answer, how I understood it was that when i was a child, a stove burnt me once and that was it.
Same as with the persuit of success, don't take failures personally, they are just learning curves telling you what not to do to become successful...

Napoleon Hill also said:
"Each failure comes with it a seed of equal success"

So to all the Dreamers and the Hustlers, never give up... NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!
Yes, we will laugh at you and ask you "where are with your success",
Just look at us, save your breadth and continue grinding...

Best of Luck


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