
Showing posts from June, 2016


Are you living or dying together… Relationships are easy because when you are tired of them you can just end them, but NO, not friendships, I don’t know why they are so hard to end. Ok, when was the last time you called/texted a friend that “it’s over”??? Never… The best you can do is try to avoid them… No matter how many times they keep dragging you down, for some strange reason friends are always there, you just can’t say it’s over… Some friends you grow up with, some you sit next to in class, you bump into some in clubs and at parties, and some are your colleagues. No one ever sits, evaluate and choose friends, life just hands them to you and you have to make it work. Just imagine, these are the people you spend your valuable time with, so it is strongly suggested that you pick and choose them correctly, because who you are is the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with. If at any point in time you are evaluating yourself on who you are, don’t sit...

My sexy legs

Yes, my sexy legs, Let it sink in… Now let’s get down to it… It’s winter and everyone is hitting the gym working on their “summer bodies”, I am squatting and climbing flights of stairs, making sure that when summer arrives and it’s time to hit the beach, they are ready. I don’t mind my “one pack” aka “cooler box”, this winter I am working on my legs so that by summer they are the sexiest legs at the beach. Moral of the story, do not let people and social norms define who you are. Know yourself, most people are strangers to themselves that is why they are scared of being alone (even though they think they are just “bored”), if you think you’re not one of them, spend a weekend by yourself, no social networks, no visiting friends, just be by yourself. Stock up on junk food, all your favourites [booze optional], switch off your phone and just be with you. Call me and claim your prize when you go through the weekend. Know yourself , know your morals , values , principles and...


Whatever you or anyone else has done to you in your life, always learn from it, forgive yourself and others, and then move on. When you don’t forgive yourself you create emotional baggage, and trust me it is heavier than your suit cases. When you don’t forgive yourself, it becomes even harder to forgive other people. Can you give a beggar some spare change for a loaf of bread if you have no money to feed yourself??? No, hence why we were taught that charity begins at home, it starts with you. I am not a doctor nor a scientist, but I believe the heart is the most important organ of the body. It gives life to your body. When the heart is hurt, the rest of your body suffers, if your body suffers, the external factors of your life suffer too. Your friendships, relationships, academics, work, etc. This happens because you are not OK, you cannot function with a broken, swollen and rotten heart. So what you want to do is take care of your heart. I am not saying be so cautious...

DragonBallZ: Lessons

When I was a kid I watched a lot of Television, then in all those television watching days, the best times were 5p.m during the weekdays. I think other fellow ‘former kids’ will agree with me on this, 5p.m weekdays, come rain or sunshine, you have to sit your behind in front of the TV and tune in SABC 2. Because it was time for Dragon-Dragon, Dragon-Dragon, DragonBallZ … I don’t care if the world was coming to an end or Jesus was out on the streets handing out free holy water, if the time is 5p.m, your behind is in front of the TV. We really wasted a lot of time in front of that box, our childhoods, gone… But not really, it just hit me recently that not really… We didn’t waste our time, we were just not listening and analysis the show correctly. Well, now that I am almost grown up, are a few things I learnt from DBZ: 1. There is greatness within you If y’all remember, Goku grew up an ordinary boy who was just good at martial arts, he married Chi-Chi and had a son. That’...

Fathers: I Salute you…

How easy it is to be a father, you get your rod to stand in attention, you dip it in the secrete dungeon of life until you feel chills going down your spine, sleep like a baby and 9 months later, abracadabra, you’re a father. It’s that simple… But is it??? NO, no it’s not. Let me start by thanking my own father, the legendary Bra Sapta!!! Sibamba ngazo zoz’bini Chunu, Madela, Shaka, Nokhepheyi, for everything… Now to the rest of the world… There is this line I hear a lot, it goes: “ So and so is not a father, he is just a sperm donor ” Basically this means that, just because you can create a child [sex], that doesn’t make you a father. Then the funny thing is that, the “sperm donor” that is being referred to in the statement would be walking around with pride, bragging and saying “I am a father, I have a son/daughter” the nigga will even have that child as a wallpaper/screensaver on his phone. So this got me thinking, what if all those “sperm donors”, as chicks put i...