
Are you living or dying together… Relationships are easy because when you are tired of them you can just end them, but NO, not friendships, I don’t know why they are so hard to end. Ok, when was the last time you called/texted a friend that “it’s over”??? Never… The best you can do is try to avoid them… No matter how many times they keep dragging you down, for some strange reason friends are always there, you just can’t say it’s over… Some friends you grow up with, some you sit next to in class, you bump into some in clubs and at parties, and some are your colleagues. No one ever sits, evaluate and choose friends, life just hands them to you and you have to make it work. Just imagine, these are the people you spend your valuable time with, so it is strongly suggested that you pick and choose them correctly, because who you are is the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with. If at any point in time you are evaluating yourself on who you are, don’t sit...