My sexy legs

Yes, my sexy legs, Let it sink in… Now let’s get down to it…

It’s winter and everyone is hitting the gym working on their “summer bodies”, I am squatting and climbing flights of stairs, making sure that when summer arrives and it’s time to hit the beach, they are ready. I don’t mind my “one pack” aka “cooler box”, this winter I am working on my legs so that by summer they are the sexiest legs at the beach.

Moral of the story, do not let people and social norms define who you are. Know yourself, most people are strangers to themselves that is why they are scared of being alone (even though they think they are just “bored”), if you think you’re not one of them, spend a weekend by yourself, no social networks, no visiting friends, just be by yourself. Stock up on junk food, all your favourites [booze optional], switch off your phone and just be with you. Call me and claim your prize when you go through the weekend.

Know yourself, know your morals, values, principles and goals. Basically, set your standards and set them high, Stand up for them, stand by them. See the thing is, it is very easy to have a mediocre life, but for those that have greatness locked up in them, it is painful, you hate yourself with every passing day. When you know there is something you were good at and you’re not doing it, you have to listen to yourself blame YOU day and night, you can’t even run away or shut yourself up. Now you have to endure that pain only, because you never wanted to stand up to ‘social norms’, you allowed fear pilot your life.

In life, you must know what it is that YOU want. You must work on it, work on it until you perfect it. If you want to be a great pastor and theologian, don’t be ashamed to carry your bible around with you, take it everywhere, read it over and over till you know every verse in that book, go to church service, attend conferences, find role models and mentors. Work on your bloody selves, don’t stop growing…

Don’t allow external factors tell you what to love and what to do, take my sexy legs as an example, everyone is busy with six packs and cutting fades, I CHOOSE my legs, I will work on my legs until they are perfect, then I will go to Port St Johns and exhibit them. So just DECIDE what it is that you want or good at and work on it, screw the world… And please, don’t pay any attention on the negative, ignore the critics or commonly “haters”, do your thing.

In pre-school, we were taught the song “this little light of mine, I am going to let it shine”, so please brothers and sister, find your little lights and let them shine. And they, whoever “they” are, were not wrong when they said “practice makes perfect”. Talent is just life letting you know what it is that you can do naturally, practice, practice and some more practice turns it into greatness. Which soccer player/musician/artist do you know that says:
“Nah, I was just sitting at home watching TV and eating all the time, I used to drink every weekend from Friday to Sunday, and I never practiced as it was my natural ability, then after all that lazing around, I was great”
Let me answer that with you: “None”

Trust me, you want to live a fulfilled life… and to achieve that, you can be no one but YOU…

- Mzukhology


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