Whatever you or anyone else has done to you in your life,
always learn from it, forgive yourself and others, and then move on.
When you don’t forgive yourself you create emotional
baggage, and trust me it is heavier than your suit cases. When you don’t
forgive yourself, it becomes even harder to forgive other people. Can you give
a beggar some spare change for a loaf of bread if you have no money to feed
yourself??? No, hence why we were taught that charity begins at home, it starts
with you.
I am not a doctor nor a scientist, but I believe the heart is
the most important organ of the body. It gives life to your body. When the
heart is hurt, the rest of your body suffers, if your body suffers, the
external factors of your life suffer too. Your friendships, relationships,
academics, work, etc. This happens because you are not OK, you cannot function
with a broken, swollen and rotten heart.
So what you want to do is take care of your heart. I am not
saying be so cautious that nothing hurts you, that will just invite anxiety in
your life, and that will not be “living”. What I am saying is that learn and
master the art of forgiveness, it will help you be a better person.
One must remember that when you hold a grudge against
someone, or have this strong hate for that person, you are only hurting
yourself. Your hate will do nothing to hurt that person, it only distracts you
from living in the moment, so basically what you are doing is just wasting your
time, energy and happiness on people who do not deserve it.
Sometimes in life we stare so long at the door that just
closed we do not notice an open one. Lady’s if some gentleman breaks your
heart, trust and promises, I know it hurts. It hurts big time because your
future has just been erased, you had plans with this person, and you shared
dreams. It’s like after writing on a black board and someone just comes and
erases it all. What you can do is sit there and stare at the blank black board
or you can stand up and start writing from the left again, write your new
brighter future. Stop whining about lost time and wasted efforts, learn from
them, forgive and move on.
When I was young, I used to fight a lot with my cousin. We
would fight in the afternoon and not talk to each other for the rest of the
day. When my aunts gets home and picks up the vibe on what is going on, she
would call us “Mzukhona, Nontobeko, yizani kum”, we would go to her, she would
tell us “ningabazala, love is the only thing that should be amongst you”, after
that, she would tell us to hold each other’s ears with both hands and kiss. Trust
me that was not easy, my skin would crawl as I held Ntobi’s ears, and
approached her lips, I wanted to rip them off, but after that kiss, everything
would be fine, it was magical, you’d find us in the kitchen laughing together.
That trick worked every single time, it’s the power of forgiveness.
Now my advice to you is that you must “kiss” your enemies,
as uncomfortable as that may be, push yourself, and some would say “face your
fears”. This was easy when we were children but we lost it somewhere along the
road, remember your mom would beat the sh*t out of you then make you laugh
immediately after the beating. I really do not know where we cultured ourselves
with resentment and holding grudges, but that is a nasty habit we have to let
go of. Do it for a better and happier YOU…
John 14:27 (GNT)
“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid”
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