Pieces of Me 1.0

From the day I was born until 2001, I drew my inspiration came from my dad. That man was just my full time hero, he had 6 beautiful children that he all loved dearly, a car, a wife, a house, I have to admit, at the time I didn’t appreciate the fact that he was there for me, because there was no Khumbul/eKhaya back then, but yes, am also thankful that he was there. When I get a girl pregnant I am going to be a better him. Then I went to do my grade 1 and 2 in Mpumalanga, then in that era of my life it was my aunt, God bless that woman. She is strong woman, the iron lady, the way she held the whole family together, took every challenge upon her shoulders, and most important of all, she prayed for us all, damnt she still prays for us all, that is one hell of a woman trust me. When I take a wife, please God install Her strength and essence into her. Then I went to primary school, by then, my mom sent me to a “model C” school, so you can imagine who my hero was then. Yes my Mom, ...