Amazing Grace, How Sweet the sound...

How to harvest wisdom and knowledge!!!

Jah your are right Bro, one has to go through mic route eventually, even though ndisoyika, one day is one, but then one of the fears i have is what is said in the Bible,m pha ku Matthew 25 vs 13 "watch out, then, because you do not know the day or the hour" (am sure you know the story about the 10 girls). so jah i think i have reached a point in my life where i am really thirsty for the wisdom of God (Jehova to be specific, the almighty).

and strangely last night i read Proverbs again, and i bumped into something that was soooo relevant to the way i feel, it was like the Holy Spirit sent me to read it, it was [Proverbs 2 vs 1-6] "1.My child, learn what i teach you and never forget what i tell you to do, 2.Listen to what is wise and try to UNDERSTAND it, 3.Look for it as hard as you would look for silver or some hidden treasure"... for me those # verses are very powerful, one should know that the word of God, His instructions are the true TREASURE, for example: whenever one reads the Bible you find something relevant to any situation and you feel good inside, you feel taken care of, like you said once, the Bible always helps you conquer daily challenges, it’s like one has their own fully paid personal advisor/therapist right at the reach of you hand. that is why i have been bothering you with all these questions lately, i am seeking wisdom, i want to understand Jehovah, his ways and what he expects of me as his child, andifuni ukungena ngeenyawo ezimdaka ndibhoxe into intle nje nge nkonzo yobuKrestu. One day i want to sing "Amazing Grace" and mean it from the bottom of my heart, as i would be singing i would be having flash backs of my journey from a lost sheep to a fully anointed soldier of God.

Now the question remains, where does one get this knowledge? well the Bible is your One-Stop-Shop, everything you need is there, some people even play around with the word Bible and make an acronym out of it B.I.B.L.E [Basic Instructions Before Living Earth] because basically that’s what is does, it tells you everything about how to live this Earthly life and prepare for your Heavenly life. That book contains the richest knowledge ever printed on paper, you just have to tap into that knowledge in the right manner. See, now this is how i see this mna, if you just buy a Bible go home and read it, you have done well for yourself, because you have taken the first step, but you still haven't done justice for yourself. If you do it only that way, it will be like buying a car ungakwazi uqhuba, you can try and drive that car but uzotshayisa ibene dent imoto yakho in a few days and end up not liking it, or blaming the manufacturer for selling you a faulty car, while the fault lies with YOU, not the other way, but if you went to a driving school and got the driving skills required to operate a motor vehicle, your car would have lasted longer. So what am trying to say, abantu basindiswa kuba betyiwa sisazela or bebona itshomi zabo ziphakamisa isandla ngala mzuzu, some are even forced by parents, now with a recipe like that, zitshayisa fast imoto zabo.

so now how does one acquire the skill to "drive" this Bible, basically, the most common route to take is to just go to church, the pastor is trained and anointed by the Holy Spirit to interpret that book and pass on the knowledge you need to you with less confusion and frustration on your side, but nowadays that route is no longer safe, abefundisi abakhoyo (not BONKE) have other motives i in mind, they don’t care about saving your soul, they have other plans in mind, they even twist the word of God (give you half/spoilt knowledge) to use it to benefit themselves, some want money, and there are even rumours that abanye bathakatha ngeenkonzo (i can’t confirm that) and this very thing ilahlekisa abantu abaninzi ehlabathini that are sincerely seeking God.

But mna i found another way to get that 'driving' skill. I used to think this is an illegal way until God revealed a scripture to me the other day, it’s found in [Proverbs 2 vs 20] "So you must follow the example of good people and live a righteous life" so that is why now and then I strike conversations with people like you my brother, i want to extract the wisdom out of you, if you had a USB slot in your head, i would have downloaded that knowledge a long time ago. BUT with this method of mine, one has to be extremely CAREFUL, you must not walk around judging people on who is good or who is not, you will be punished for that (as the Bible outlines it clearly), so what i do is, i find people i am more comfortable with, people i have talked with, someone you can have a genuine conversation with and not fill judged when they are correcting you, but at the end of that conversation you will fill uplifted and full of knowledge. Sometimes you can see when a person is interested in saving your soul or when they are just boasting/bragging about them being saved, in [Matthew 6 vs 5 & 16] vs 5: "When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites! they love to stand up and pray in the house of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them. I assure you, they have already been paid in full" and vs 16: "And when you fast, do not put on a sad face as the hypocrites do. They neglect their appearance so that everyone will see that they are fasting, i assure you they have been paid in full.”

Then both the above verses are wrapped up with the same Matthew 6 phaa ku vs 17 & 18: "When you go without food, wash your face and comb your hair, so that others cannot know that you are fasting- only your Father, who is unseen, will know. and your Father who sees what you do in private, will reward you" (i think this verse is in support with 1 Samuel 16 vs 7).... now in these scriptures i am not focused on the issue of prayer/fasting, that’s a whole new story by its self, but am just extracting the principle being passed on, that what you do must not be for people's eyes and attention, do it from your heart and the Heavenly Father will know. Eish Bro, there is no waterproof step by step method to my way, you just have to believe and the Holy spirit will guide you, it will take you to the right people, because us man of the flesh cannot know what another person is thinking.

[Proverbs 20 vs 4]
"A farmer lazy to plough his land will have nothing to harvest"... that is simple and straight forward, and if you had to explain it to a new young upcoming Christian, you will just have to remind them of that song we used to sing when we were young "Izulu liyasetyenzelwa"... and am sure there is another verse in the bible that says "you cannot plant corn and harvest beans"... and again i say, that’s why i think i have reached a point in my life when i thirst the wisdom God in my life, and my needs shall not be in vain because the bible says in [Metthew 5 vs 6] "Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires, God will satisfy them fully"... ndiyithanda xa isithi WILL ke le verse, akhuthiwa 'maybe or might', kuthiwa WILL... Amen to that…

In closing, eish Bro, if i could be the Solomon of the modern day, I would be the happiest man alive, God knows there is nothing i love more than knowledge in this world. He is the one who blessed me with the skill of analysis, then he gave me the gift of a loud inner voice, (which is why i can write more that i can talk, uyeke nje wena sophukile isiXhosa ne'slingu sam). Sometimes i just sit by myself and imagine all of these gifts I am already blessed with, then i imagine them with wisdom that has been anointed by Jehovah, the King Solomon kind of wisdom, i would be really the happiest man in the world… Damn…

Bro, as much as i have never went in front to the mic to get saved, or wear a shiny suit ‘noKick & Bhoboza’, for some strange reason i am blessed with a tiny bit of knowledge in me, i have a few things i can pass on to people, all they have to do is take the advice you once gave me at Res, the principle was :do not look at what the person is doing or does afterwards, rather take what they have said and weave it into your heart, people must not be afraid the Holy Spirit is there to monitor things on Earth, if you have been fed poison, it will flash out those toxins. That’s basically what you said to me when told you that i don’t like some churches because of the things i know about people who go there and act holy, i just remixed it a bit... i don’t know where this tiny knowledge comes from, that’s why i said to you the other day it’s like I was born with a Bible inside my heart, am not bragging, it’s just fascinating how I look at that book and think “best damn literature ever put on paper”.

I used to think that I being shy was a curse, but i notices that God made me shy so my knowledge absorption and analysis can work efficiently, if i was too talkative, i would have never even had this little knowledge i have now, now am just praying for wisdom, so the Mzukhology can elevate to level infinity.

Thank you for your time, Cheers!!!

-M Hlazo


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