Inspiration & Purpose
Where does your inspiration come from?? In the Bible, there
is an extract from the book by King David, the Psalms of David:
Psalms 121:1 (KJV)
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help”
So David prayed to the Lord and that did worked magically
for him, now, what about you?? Where do you draw your inspiration?? Where does
your inner help come from?? And we all know David lived to please God, that was
his purpose
in life, ever since he was a little boy looking after sheep, so it would make
sense for him to look at the hills, BUT what is your purpose??
When we are young, our life inspirations are mandatory. You
do your homework because you know your teacher will beat you up tomorrow at
school, you clean your house because you know your mother will beat you up when
she gets home and the kitchen is still filthy (Yes, there is a of beating up
in Africa). But do you see what I mean, all these are push factors, and they
work to a certain point in your life trust me, there comes a time when life is
“Ok, so what do YOU want now? Where do YOU want to go?”
Most people avoid this question and they end up with
mediocre lives, I know how that is, it’s miserable... When will you die living
just to conform to people’s expectations and peer pressure?? I think even life
punishes on purpose just by letting you live longer, so you can watch people
living their dreams while you just get through life… You shouldn’t get through
life, you should live it…
Oh and those who decide to throw their lives at alcohol and
scream YOLO every weekend, those who decide that their life is all about having
fun, ag shame, you also haven’t found it yet, you haven’t found your purpose,
all you have done is just found a way to escape your pain for a couple of days.
Yes, a mediocre life is painful… I have seen it in people eyes, I even saw
someone cry about it at one stage… it’s tough…
So… Where does your help
cometh from?? Ok let me not throw stones while I living in a glass house.
Let’s start with me…
As I have mentioned above, same with me, ever since I was
born I have been having push factors, and I have jumped all the hoops placed before me. Now that
I am a young adult, the pushes are no longer there, it is only now that I have
discovered that I actually have no pulls at all in my life, there is nothing
reminding me that I have to go on, I have to keep walking, I wouldn’t blame you
if you called me a “headless chicken”…
Now it’s your turn… what is your inspiration in life, what
pushes you?? Or even better, what is it that PULLS you to it? What is it that
you LOVE? What makes you happy? What is it that you do the whole day and never
get tired of it?? What is it that you dream about and you can’t wait for the
sun to come out so you can go back to it? Heck, sometime you do it the whole
night… What keeps you going when thick is thin, when the health is sickness…
As a person you need to answer such questions to YOURSELF and
have a purpose, in movies I believe they call it a “passion” or you will end up
living the people’s version of you.
If you’re still young you won’t know what the heck am
talking about, but one day it will hit you, and you will be like ”damn, I need to be ME” I hope you take
immediate action…
Thanks for the food for thought, very deep
ReplyDeleteThanks for the food for thought, very deep