
Showing posts from February, 2017


I heard that: " Everyone wants to be Lion, but most people just never get the chance " That line struck a chord in me, Fuck conformity... I will be GREAT,          Even if it kills me... Mandela said it: "I will do it, or die" # Mzukhology

Just do it...

One of my weaknesses is " D iscipline " If there was a pill to improve it, I would get it. I blame my over-stock of Chill-Pillz, I misuse them... Example, if I have an assignment due in 3 days, here is my internal conversation. Me: ok Brain, there is only 3 days left, let's do this assignment Brain: Dude chill, we still have 3 days, I got this shit... Now guess what happens in 3 days... I will be standing in front of the lecture explaining that I deserve an extension of time because I had cancer over the weekend and had to go to hospital... No, this has to stop, and luckily for me I just read an article that said: " Discipline is the difference between being in control of your future and letting your environment dictate your destiny" . So now I knew where to start, I need to train my discipline muscle... # Mzukhology


The Smoking Lounge They still have one at the Helsinki airport. No one in the lounge seems particularly happy to be there. Perhaps they enjoyed smoking when they first started, but now, it sure looks like they realize that it's expensive, unhealthy and a bit of a hassle. Something they feel compelled to do. The thing is, there are a few people near the lounge busy checking their phones, and they seem just as unhappy about what they're doing. I wonder when we're going to start building social media lounges? -Seth Godin

Not Special

It just hit me that I am not special, Yes, I am not special nor am i lucky, I am not even the chosen one. I am where I am in my life today because I used all the resources in my disposal to benefit me, I didn't use them against me. My life is not made up of things that just happened to me, I am responsible for all this goodness and shit that makes up this beautiful twisted life of mine. I love this life of mine, Now I am going to act like it and take charge of my life... 😎 # Mzukhology


Chilling is an art, See, in my life, people walk all over me, they bend me over and screw me... Ok wait, I take that last part back, I feels a lil bit gay... Anyway, you get the picture, I am a door mat... A good cousin of mine observed this asked why am i so calm in such situations? I really wasn't sure, so the next time someone did something that was supposed to piss me off, I observed and noted my own thoughts. The trick is, when someone does something that was supposed to piss me off, I just pretend that the particular individual in question just got back from a Psychiatric Hospital and the Doctor had warned us he (or she) would relapse now and then. So getting worked up over what the person did and shouting at them would be like tripping on a stone and going back to "give it a piece of your mind"... So I just go: "Ag shame, I hope they don't take you back" Find your CHILL-SWITCH and flip it on... # Mzukhology

Watch me Dance

Yes, watch me Dance,    Or you can watch me whip if you want to. It really doesn't matter kept I can or not, What matters is that I am doing it and you must watch me... I want want to dance and i enjoy dancing, what I score on your card and red pen is non of my business. Most of the time we look around and ask for permission from society (the people) before we do something, if they tell you it's unappreciate or not cool you will abort that mission... Since when did our happiness come second or even third to what people think??? Well, I don't know when it started or who started it, what I do know is that it's end of it today. From today onwards I am doing Me!!!      Now watch me Dance... # Mzukhology

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure , I used to be friends with peer pressure, it's what pushed me through high school and varsity. I owe the young working adult I am to peer pressure, I passed in high school because my friends were passing, I passed varsity because my friends were passing... So you would imagine how much I love peer pressure... Me and peer pressure had a good thing going until recently, now she is no longer friendly to me, the romance is gone... Now this is where me and my darling peer pressure start fighting, My friends want to do certain things about their lives, I end up wanting those things, My friends want to buy certain things, now I want to buy those things too... Not that my friends don't have taste about what to do or buy in life, it's just that I never wanted those things, never in a million years. All of a sudden now that they have them, I feel the need to have them too... I have my own life to Live!!! I am sorry,       Fuck you Peer pressure, I...

Grey sheep

The grey sheep , All my life I have been told not to conform,          "Be yourself" Is what they said... What did i do, I turned around and did just the opposite...  When i was young a wanted what my friends had,        It's so sad that even now, as a young adult, I have a tendency of wanting what other people have... So a few weeks back, I decided to take the advice that has always been freely given with good intentions:        "Be yourself" So for the past 3 weeks I have been doing just that... "Being myself".... Early this week, I realised that I haven't grown/progressed that much being myself, it ain't fun being by yourself, you have no one to talk to, to look up to or share similar things with because you are so unique you are isolate... so I stared doing a lil bit of research. I found something, advice by an gentleman called Earl Nightingale, he said: "It's good to conform, just conform to thi...


I am always ok,          actually I am ALWAYS OK,     because even when am not supposed to feel ok,  I trick my mind, I lie to it, i tell we are ok, I tell it its all good, now since my mind trusts me, it believes me and turns a blind eye to all the shit that would be happening and starts showing me only flowers and rainbows and other pretty stuff...          so that at moment in time, I don't have to deal with the shit...  The shit can shove itself where the sun doesn't shine... Now that I think about it, It's actually used to that place because its where it came from and belongs, shit doesn't have a time slot on my life any more... Try that... It works like a charm, next time life is like: "Hey, here is some shit" tell if to fuck off... ...I hope you not eating... But remember, you don't always have to deal with it... #Mzukhology