African Child, DON’T GIVE UP...

I was driving to a town far far away today, I was exhausted, the Free State sun was not doing me any justice. That was until I saw the above board. Then it made me think of YOU… Are you still chasing that dream?? Still hustling?? Feel like giving up?? Why give up after all that sweat and effort… Oh jah, it’s tough, life keeps kicking you in the teeth, you have fell and picked yourself up so much that you have lost all reasons to go on… Your friends and family are no help in the process, they are actually assisting gravity bring you down. Sometimes you find yourself singing with Black Eyed Peas “Where is the love”… All those: “Don’t do it, it’s too risky”, “You will never succeed”, “You are wasting your time” “You won’t make it” are starting to echo in your head. You are actually starting to believe them yourself. That energy and Vooom you had at the beginning has said it’s good byes… No no no, do not interpret it like that, it’s not “good bye”, it is “see you la...