Important Question

Sometimes the truth is just a single question away but we don't ask.
Sometimes you don't want to find out if the person you're interested in is taken or not. You just want them period.

Sometimes the truth is not what you want to hear. The truth at times can be too hard for us to swallow.

Sometimes the bitterness in the truth could kill the butterflies in our stomachs If digested so we refuse to take a bite.

Sometimes we're content with not knowing. So we jump head first into love with pretend blind and deaf faith.

Sometimes we are content with not knowing the depth of our decisions because we can't risk not having the person we love as ours because we've fallen so hard, so quickly, so deeply.

Sometimes we're okay with shifting the responsibility. You telling me that your heart is taken is you're responsibility.

"I'm not responsible for asking",
 We lie to ourselves.

Anything that would make us more content is finding out that the person we love is ours alone.

But the stakes are too high so
   We let it be....




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