Relationship secret

Yes, you on the right blog at the right time.
Listen, here is the secret:
"There is no secret"
Ain't you glad you came, I don't share this with anyone, it's some valuable information...

Anyway, just recently I met a new friend. Most guys prefer to describe her as hot and beautiful, I prefer to describe her as smart.

In the short while we have known one another we have already shared some interesting facts. She knows my masterbation addiction and i know her secret for a fruitful relationship.

She calls it the "3 Cup Theorem"...

Cup 1, belongs to Me, Cup 2, belongs to You and Cup 3, belongs to US.
Her theory is simple, before I can pour into the US Cup or YOUR Cup I first have to fill up MY. How I fill up my cup is also simple, I have to know myself!!!

Knowing myself means, I know deep down who I am and what it is that I want my life. What are my dreams, passions and goals in life. Basically for this step I have to be selfish and fill up my life with all the I'z, i i i i i i...

Then when that has been achieved, I can focus on the US Cup. The trick about the US Cup is that you also have to fill up YOUR Cup to the brim, then when you are done WE can both pour into the US Cup.

Note: We can drink from the US Cup but none of us is allowed to pour from it into our own cups, we fill our cups...

When this is done properly, none of us will lose their identity, none of us will depend on the Relationship to have a purpose in life, we could break up on Friday and be fine by Sunday. Serious!!!

Ladies, now you have it, the secret. Now you know why you would break up with a nigga and you cry for years while he moves on tomorrow.

The key is to know yourself and fill up your cup.
The Chinese said this shit,
"You can't pour from an empty cup"

Ok, please forward all Thanks to Mpho, this is all her...



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