
Showing posts from July, 2016

Dear 16 Year Old

Hi, you are probably at your prime now. Catching some feelings and starting to wonder how that guy or girl looks at you? Before you go crazy I would like you to know these 16 things:             1. Dream big. -           Do not limit what you can achieve based on your circumstances. Imagine the places you want to go to and the things you want to achieve. There is truly no limit.  The worst you can do is put yourself in a box. The mind is a powerful tool and it believes what you tell it.  Next time tell it about the company you will own one day. 2. Believe in yourself. -           Believe you will pass that Maths test that’s giving you nightmares. Whatever it is that you are faced with now, you shall overcome. The best trait one can learn in this life is how to be their very own motivator. Be your own supporter, be able to lean on your own but...

“How the fuck did I get myself into this shit”

These are basics, straight from the bible: “ You reap what you sow ” right… We have been told this over and over again, but somehow how unpleasant things are still happen to us, not that we want or wish for them to. What is it that we are doing wrong? Maybe we don’t understand what “ you reap what you sowed ” means… No maarn that’s nonsense, we are not that stupid, we do know what it means, it’s pretty easy right??? If I plant an apple seed I cannot miraculously expect to harvest oranges next season. That’s what it means right… At home we had a garden, I don’t remember even one time planting spinach and harvesting bacon. So now where are things going wrong??? Because personally I have never been like: “ ok, I am planting this seed to fail next week’s test ” but I have been failing test’s all my life. WTF are we doing wrong??? Ok, you know what? I think we just need a fresh approach to the same principle, here goes nothing. “ You are reaping what you sowed, no...

Pieces of Me 2.0: The Streets

Last week I was listening to one of the afternoon shows on SAFM, on that day, their guest on the show was a former homeless guy who is now the CEO of some marketing company. This gentleman told his story of how he was fired from his bartending job in Eastern Cape, then instead of looking for other employment in his home town, he decided to pack his bags and go find better opportunities in “the city of gold” where the grass is greener, “kwa nyam’ ayipheli”. His journey was tough and long, and definitely not what he expected. First of all, he did not have enough money to get to Joburg. So his first stop was Bloemfontein, he was homeless for a couple of weeks in Bloemfontein. He ate from rubbish bins, collected cans and plastic for recycling. All this time he was sleeping on a bench at the train station. He eventually raised enough money for a train ticket from Bloem to Jozi. On the way, he was so excited about finally going to “the city of gold”, less did he know of what ...

The Mountain

Drawing by Miss P Xongo The other day I woke up earlier than usual, it was still dark outside. I stood outside waiting for a colleague, it was very cold and my body was shivering, I stood there for what seemed like forever… Time passed and the morning was drawing in. The sun took forever to rise, maybe I was the impatient one. The sun was on some strip tease shit that morning, all I could see were the sun rays held at ransom by the hills of Bloemfontein… I got tired of just standing there and doing nothing, I decided to do something about my situation. I started running, I ran towards the mountain… The journey was long and tough. The more I ran, the more tired I was. The terrain got steeper and steer, I could feel every body part whining “yhooo hayi, this is unfair, I deserve a more gentle terrain”. I wanted to stop and turn back, but my mind reminded me why I was doing this, for the sun light at the top of the mountain. I recovered my focus and carried on… As if the ...

Dirt off ya shoulders

According to the Urban Dictionary , the above phrase means: “ Shaking them haters off. In other words it means to brush off negative energy of statements made about you. ” Now what is more powerful to me is the origin of the phrase: “ To step up. The origin of this term comes from a story in which a donkey falls into a well and cannot get out. The farmer tries to get the donkey out by rope, unsuccessful in his attempt. He decides, instead, to just give up and bury the donkey in the well. As the farmer begins filling the hole with dirt, the donkey becomes depressed, realizing that all of the dirt on his shoulders and back were going to eventually bury him. He then thought of an idea: I can just shake it off and step up. Therefore, he could just die by doing nothing and getting buried, or shake the dirt off his shoulders and step up to the occasion. ” This phrase has special place in my heart because of the way we as the youth are living, all of a sudden everyone has “ h...

I will serve no foreign god

One of the giants in South African Gospel music said these words in a very deep spiritually cleaning song, the one and only Ms Hlengiwe Mhlaba. She uttered these words for religious purposes, but I do not think it can be restricted to that. All we have to do is alter it a bit and work with it. Here goes something… The principle is whatever it is that you have devoted yourself to, don’t part time it, don’t give half attention. Give it your all and NO PLAN B. I heard somewhere that goals are very jealous, you can’t raise them as twins. Your goal becomes your one and only child. Yes you can be multi-talented but to master something, you have to be DEVOTED to it. Devoted is loosely defined as: “ Very loving or loyal. ” The first step is for you to love whatever it is that you want to pursue in life. That love keeps you up at night… That love makes you say “ time flies ” and makes you feel as if 24 hours are just not enough… That love taps into reservoirs of energy you di...

Time: and it's use

I have heard somewhere that: “Killing time is not murder, its suicide” Then I thought to myself how many times I have responded to people “ I’m just chilling ”… We all know that mode right?? The state were you are just alive and not contributing anything to your life or society. You just sitting there breathing and wasting oxygen. If you would walk up to a Xhosa guy in that state and asked them “what’s up” he’d tell you “ndicinga ooNot”. Now that is no way to live life. We often say phrases such as “ time flies ”, “ this day has been long ”… That’s nonsense, time is constant. Every day when we wake up there are 60 seconds that add up to a minute, then the 60 minutes add up to an hour, then finally 24 hours add up to a day. It has been like that ever since I was born, and that’s a very long time ago. Only those who understand quantum physics [Einstein’s theory] can argue that time is not the same, the rest of us, TIME IS CONSTANT… Finish n klaar… Ok, this is how I r...

Devil vs Self-Sabotage

If the Devil walked that Earth, his legal bill would be the highest in the world… Think about it, every time something bad happens us, who is the easiest person to blame?? The Devil. When someone does something bad, like murdering his whole family, he is possessed by the Devil. Teenage years, your child starts drinking and doing drugs, “ ungenwe ngu Satan ”. So if the guys walked the Earth he would need a strong team of lawyers, he who would have been in and out of court, because he would have been sued each and every single day. My friends let us leave the devil alone, untwana ka Thixo has had it naye ngok. One might ask: “ But Mzu, if we leave the devil alone, then who do we blame ”??? Before I answer that, please nohlukane noomakhulu babantu, just because umntu is not pretty enough for your liking and has a complicated brain disorder doesn’t make them a dart board for your misfortunes. Now to answer who to blame: YOU, blame YOURSELF. The man (or woman) who said...

Caution: Growth & Glass Ceiling

In life, everyone wants to grow. We all want to grow physically, numerically, financially, career wise, even in church [ Methodist ] Sunday School >> Guilder >> Ndodana >> Mshumayeli >> Rev. Not matter the aspect of our lives, we all have this strong feeling of the need to grow. Imagine if you were 18 years of and you were still in Grade 1, which would suck right?? So yes, we all want to grow. It is true that for you to grow, or should I say “ change ”, you have to decide and dedicate yourself to your growth. When we wanted to go to the next grade, the next one and the one after that, the formula was simple, we did our homework (practice), assignments, projects and studying for tests. Varsity was the same drill, now I have learnt that the older you grow [age] the trickier it becomes. When you are old and done with traditional schooling, when you are working or following your dreams or passion [music, sport, etc.], the “ Hunger Games ” begin. There a...

Your Purpose, pursue it...

‘Post teenage’, early adulthood, is one of the most frustrating stages of life, you reach a cross road, at that cross roads it’s literally you against the world. This is true especially if there is greatness living within you, it kicks and screams and you just keep saying “shhhhhhhh”… This is because at this stage in life there is what you are doing and what you want to do … You have this vision that you would try to sell to your friends and family, but they just keep peeing on it. They do not do it on purpose, never blame them, for they know less. It’s either they cannot see in HD [most people just blame their backgrounds] or they had visions of their own but they forced themselves to believe that it can’t happened, “ it’s too unrealistic ”, they allowed fear to take charge in their lives, now they are trying to keep you down, not because they hate you, but they think they are protecting you from the disappointments of life. Then the sad thing is that most time we ar...


Yep, Einstein again: E=MC 2 Everyone know this formula even if you didn’t do Physical Science, but only a few know what it really means, let me school the commerce student. E= Energy,   M= Mass,   C= Constant (speed of light=299 792 458m.s -1 ) The formula teaches us that mass can be turned into energy and vice versa. This explained why the sun is always hot [a process called nuclear fusion]. Only scientist understood this equation until the Americans built an Atomic bomb and demonstrated the theory to the world [remember Hiroshima… Moment of silence]. That vast energy of destruction you see above was created by less than a kilogram of Uranium… They thought “dynamite comes in small packages” until Einstein was born. So if you have a goal, short or long term, never ever think you’re out of energy to continue, that’s the devil talking. There is still are still vast amounts of energy within you, hidden, lurking in the depth of your he...

How to Change your life: Einstein’s explanation

Let me start by saying: “Albert Einstein was a genius” [Respect] Earlier in life Sir Isaac Newton explained that there was this force called “Gravity” that PULLS objects to the Earth, all the scientist of his time accepted and adopted this theory [everyone remembers the apple]. Then Albert Einstein was born, he did not accept this theory, he felt it didn’t make sense, because all objects move because they are pushed. Now why is gravity the only pulling force in the universe? Long story short, he did some intense calculations and came up with a new theory and proved it. Here is how he explained it: Objects move towards the Earth because they are pushed by the space around the planet, he said the planet has bent the fabric of space around it , then in return that space pushes all objects that move closely past the Earth towards it. Enough about physics, now let’s come to you: Every single day people are trying to change and reconstruct themselves to better [Ney Yea...