Dear 16 Year Old

Hi, you are probably at your prime now. Catching some feelings and starting to wonder how that guy or girl looks at you? Before you go crazy I would like you to know these 16 things: 1. Dream big. - Do not limit what you can achieve based on your circumstances. Imagine the places you want to go to and the things you want to achieve. There is truly no limit. The worst you can do is put yourself in a box. The mind is a powerful tool and it believes what you tell it. Next time tell it about the company you will own one day. 2. Believe in yourself. - Believe you will pass that Maths test that’s giving you nightmares. Whatever it is that you are faced with now, you shall overcome. The best trait one can learn in this life is how to be their very own motivator. Be your own supporter, be able to lean on your own but...