How to Change your life: Einstein’s explanation

Let me start by saying:
“Albert Einstein was a genius” [Respect]

Earlier in life Sir Isaac Newton explained that there was this force called “Gravity” that PULLS objects to the Earth, all the scientist of his time accepted and adopted this theory [everyone remembers the apple]. Then Albert Einstein was born, he did not accept this theory, he felt it didn’t make sense, because all objects move because they are pushed. Now why is gravity the only pulling force in the universe? Long story short, he did some intense calculations and came up with a new theory and proved it.

Here is how he explained it:
Objects move towards the Earth because they are pushed by the space around the planet, he said the planet has bent the fabric of space around it, then in return that space pushes all objects that move closely past the Earth towards it.

Enough about physics, now let’s come to you:
Every single day people are trying to change and reconstruct themselves to better [Ney Year’s resolutions], and in that same days a lot of people fail to do so. I included. When we fail to change who we are we start blaming external factors, we start wishing for this that and things that are not there, we go like “oh, if this or that can happen then I can be able to change”. Eish, my friends, we have been doing it wrong.

How about we take Einstein’s explanation of gravity and apply it in our own lives. How about we bend the fabric of space around us so that the external factors can respond to who we are.

Simplified: For our situations to change, we have to change who we are.
My friends, we cannot change our situation if we are still the same. If you believe that your friends are “bad influences”, change them; if you feel your school marks are poor, change them; and the easiest do this is for you to change.

I have heard too many parents blame their children’s behaviour on peers, “umntwana wam umoshwa ngu ban-ban” less do they know that their children are behaving like that because of the space they bend around themselves.

Imagine you have all these drinking friends and you are sick and tired of them and who you are when you are around them. Here’s the easiest way to change that scenario, don’t rush to divorce your friends, change yourself. For example, just start going to church. When you meet up with them, talk about the bible and how good the previous Sunday’s sermon was, invite them to church, and just be doing that, they will start avoiding you and eventually disappear. By the time they disappear, you will have new friends, only just because you changed yourself.

Same goes for school marks, my school marks were bad because I was always around television, WhatsApp, YouTube and Facebook. That was the space I bent around myself and my marks reflected it, I remember I even used to say “bayadika maarn aba bafunda oko, basenzela izazela”. That was my space until third year varsity, then I decided to change my space into books and sleep, then again, my marks reflected it, I started getting distinctions, awards and shit.

This Einstein method works and this works because when YOU change, the space around you bends to who you are, then the objects in that space move and behave according to the space you have created around yourself.

Happy Changing my friends…



  1. So true. I remember I wanted to read books but would buy them and let them pile up. I always made an excuse as to why I never had time to read a chapter a day until I took time away from series, movies and the internet to just focus on the books. I wish I had forgotten about the internet a lot sooner. Now I try to read 2 books a month ranging from fiction, business, self help, etc.

    1. Wooow, that's inspiring... oh and that is one of my goals too, reading... i have eliminated almost all distractions, but i still don't have that thing that pushes me to read, for now i read very slowly... i want to be like you, read two books a month...


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