Your Purpose, pursue it...
‘Post teenage’, early adulthood, is one
of the most frustrating stages of life, you reach a cross road, at that cross
roads it’s literally you against the world. This is true especially if there is
greatness living within you, it kicks and screams and you just keep saying “shhhhhhhh”…
This is because at this stage in life
there is what you are
doing and what you want to do…
You have this vision that you would try to
sell to your friends and family, but they just keep peeing on it. They do not
do it on purpose, never blame them, for they know less. It’s either they cannot
see in HD [most people just blame their backgrounds] or they had visions of
their own but they forced themselves to believe that it can’t happened, “it’s too unrealistic”, they allowed fear
to take charge in their lives, now they are trying to keep you down, not
because they hate you, but they think they are protecting you from the disappointments
of life.
Then the sad thing is that most time we
are afraid of shining, so we buy what other people sell us and we shelf our
vision. Jah neh, the cost of being unselfish.
It was said in one Movie:
“Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.”
If you know what I am talking about, if
there is that greatness kicking and screaming inside you, here is some
[Print and hang this where it is visible,
read it every day, sell it to yourself, for there is truth in “what
a man speaketh and thinkst, so he becomes”]
Pen to paper, as the pressure from peers
turn to vapour and I am liberated from the expectations and the limits,
gimmicks and unhealthy spirits of impressing societal pleasures as opposed to
the desires of my heart.
right there would say my inner conscience as my ego bulldozez past my morals
and through a valley of disturbed waters that are praised by those who never
dare to drink from them.
in a pool of drunk thoughts the sober mind screams a bubble of help but will
only find relief once I am out of breath.
this my purpose as a being? Such a sophisticated and complex unit of particles
with different functions is this my purpose as a being? To be controlled
without being touched and dared without threat is this my purpose as a man? To
forsake my own destiny and turn back from my word to fulfil yours is this my
eyes that look at me and screaming sounds that laugh at me move aside for i
have decided that peer pressure is only for those who have no clear purpose,
and mine has been defined.
after those visions
- Litha
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