The Mountain

Drawing by Miss P Xongo

The other day I woke up earlier than usual, it was still dark outside. I stood outside waiting for a colleague, it was very cold and my body was shivering, I stood there for what seemed like forever…

Time passed and the morning was drawing in. The sun took forever to rise, maybe I was the impatient one. The sun was on some strip tease shit that morning, all I could see were the sun rays held at ransom by the hills of Bloemfontein…

I got tired of just standing there and doing nothing, I decided to do something about my situation. I started running, I ran towards the mountain…

The journey was long and tough. The more I ran, the more tired I was. The terrain got steeper and steer, I could feel every body part whining “yhooo hayi, this is unfair, I deserve a more gentle terrain”. I wanted to stop and turn back, but my mind reminded me why I was doing this, for the sun light at the top of the mountain. I recovered my focus and carried on…

As if the steep terrain was not enough, every second house I passed a dog would come out, bark and chase me. Now at this point I really wanted to turn back, or look for stones to throw at the dogs. During these occurrences my body surprised me, every time a dog would come running towards me, if I didn’t pay attention to it by screaming “voetsek voetsek voetsek”, somehow my legs carried me faster or the dog lost interest and turned away. I was really amazed by the power of focus.

The bloody hill got steeper, I was thirstier and my legs were starting to cramp. Then this is the point I was like:
“Hayi vokov, I am going back now this is no longer worth it”
Something inside me said:
“WTF!!! Are you out of your marbles??? There is no going back now… You only have two options now, it’s either you are going up this mountain or you are going to die trying bhuti”
This inner conversation disturbed and motivated me at the same time. I was distracted by it, so I no longer felt the effort I was putting into the running. I was going over the conversation over and over again, then before I knew it I was at the summit of the mountain.

I stood there taking deep breathes with my eyes closed. The Free State sun kissed my pretty face, I felt the insolation penetrate my brown skin, and it went down my spine to warm up other regions of my body. That sun light illuminated my dark soul.

I turned around, looked back and gazed at the place I was at, the sun had not shone there yet. I took a closer look and noticed some people that were standing there looking up to the mountain wishing and waiting for the sun light. I could hear their hopes scream as they looked up to the mountain waiting for nature to serve them with some sunlight, I was glad I did something about my situation.

As I was standing there I had one little wish though, I wished I was down there so I could see the perfect silhouette in those people’s eyes the sun had made out of me.

Hey, there is nothing to this, I am just telling you about one of my mornings. BUT I do hope you extract something special from it, LOL, I live an interesting life neh

- Mzukhology


  1. Notes:
    - If you don’t like a situation, change it. At least try… NO, don’t try, listen to what Nike said and “just do it”…

    - Stop checking off the checklists people defined for you, develop one of your own, we don’t have to approve of it, and YOU better be true to it, work your ass off to check it…

    - Hey the road may be long, and it may not be easy, but every time you remember why you are doing it, the big bad ass boulder obstacles that seem impossible to get over become pebbles…

    - Abraham Lincoln once said:
    “The best way to predict the future s to create it”

    Oh and he also said something like:
    “I will work, and even though sometimes I may walk slow, but I’ll never walk backwards”

    If Rome wasn’t built in a day, then who the hell are you to ‘just’ wake up legendary one day… I want to see some action folks…


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