“How the fuck did I get myself into this shit”
These are basics, straight from the bible:
“You reap what you sow” right…
We have been told this over and over again, but somehow how unpleasant
things are still happen to us, not that we want or wish for them to. What is it
that we are doing wrong? Maybe we don’t understand what “you reap what you sowed” means…
No maarn that’s nonsense, we are not that stupid, we do know
what it means, it’s pretty easy right??? If I plant an apple seed I cannot miraculously
expect to harvest oranges next season. That’s what it means right…
At home we had a garden, I don’t remember even one time
planting spinach and harvesting bacon. So now where are things going wrong??? Because
personally I have never been like: “ok, I
am planting this seed to fail next week’s test” but I have been failing
test’s all my life. WTF are we doing wrong???
Ok, you know what? I think we just need a fresh approach to
the same principle, here goes nothing.
“You are reaping what you sowed, now never sow that shit again”
Let’s treat the “sow” in its past tense form, this doesn’t change
much in the meaning but your mind-set. The next time you have fucked up and you’re
in a corner, just silently say to yourself “fuck” and pause for a
moment or two. Stand there silently and reminisce, ask yourself “how the fuck did I get myself into this
shit”. Literally every time you’re in a situation that is not up to your
standard or not pleasing to you say “Shit” pause and “how the fuck did I get myself into this shit”.
At first this will seem like a joke, you might even laugh
sometimes, but when you do this over and over it will become a habit and your
brain will do it automatically on your next fuck up.
Now what this does is it forces you and your mind to take
responsibility for your actions, once you figure out what and where something
went wrong, your brain will register it and give it a red tape [No-go-Zone],
meaning without any effort, you will not repeat that mistake. All this will happened
in your sub-conscious, meaning you have the rest of the brain to yourself to
think about whatever nonsense you want to think about.
We have been told that “What
you do today affects your tomorrow” yes we know… What we are saying now is
“What happened yesterday should no happen again tomorrow”…
- Mzukhology
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