
Showing posts from 2017

Music is Life 2.0

When I wrote the first part, this was the message I had in my heart, but the universe decided to use me as a vessel to carry its own truth. Now I must speak my own truth and lay my thought at rest. Here we go: Music is Life 2.0 In the past recently, my life has been a roller coaster on fire. Adulting is kicking my behind. It has taken me to the ecstatic states of my imagination and has dragged me to the dark dangerous of my insecure soul. During this up and down, I started noticing patterns, these patterns have led me to the Music analogy. Music is composed of these 7 elements ( bear with me I am not an expect ): Rhythm Melody Harmony Timbre Form Texture Dynamics Now, whenever we hear a song, it is multiple of these elements working beautifully together to give us the sound we appreciate so much and we call that Music . Anyone who has ever tried to pick up an instrument and play it, will agree with me, playing a song is not the easiest of task...

Winner - Characteristics

You know me and Movies, I love em… The name of the movie is… No, let me start it differently. There was once a man named Jonathan Wick, and this man was highly respected by his colleagues in his line of duty [ murderer ] and he was feared by his enemies. I picked up something very interesting, both in the original movie and the sequel. When Mr Wick was described, these are three Words that summaries him: Focus Commitment Will Let’s get into them and see how these 3 magic words do wonders when they are transformed into actions and implemented in one’s journey to success. Focus When softly re-written, focus is the ability to be strong against distractions that may arise and attempt to; whether delay or derail you from your dreams and goals. Let’s get silly for a minutes. Imagine it’s morning and you’re taking a shit, then half way through that process you remember that you have to toast your bread for breakfast. So you just stand up and walk to the ...

The Environment

Once upon a time in a desert far far away live a boy aged 9 years. The boy had a loving family and a father who worked as a journalist across the world. One day, the father took the boy along one of his business trips. They visited a land that was fertile a woman’s womb. The land bare all sorts of fruits and vegetable with ease. During the trip, site seeing was organised through the land’s country side where all the farming happens. During the trip, the boy fell in love with apples. So the boy made a promise to himself, “ one day I’ll grow an apple orchard in my village ”. Powerful, the boy had successfully created a vision and developed purpose for his life, great, standing ovation for him. So over the years he stared reading farming magazines to keep his dream alive, and it worked, he dreamt of owning an apple orchard until he was a matured young man. His father seeing the passion in his eyes decided to loan him some money to buy a piece of to start the apple o...

You are an African

To whom may it concern? If my memory serves me well, every struggle hero that either endured the pains or fell at the blood stained hands of the apartheid government promised me, I future generation, that ‘democracy’ is: “Rule by the people” This was a message that no human being will ever have their future dictated by another, this was a message that ‘elite’ and ‘supreme’ will seize to exist, all South African are equal: “… All people shall be entitled to take part in the administration of the country…” This message was embedded in the heart of a historically powerful document, the ‘Freedom Charter’. A document mutually adopted in 1955 by South Africans, regardless of the political party in which they belonged. This act was a very powerful message, that this country and its people come before any political party. This is contrary to the message sent out by our commander in chief, the first citizen, when he said: “ I argued one time with someone who said the county comes fi...

Sailing through Life

If you think your Life is this beautifully crafted ship, With your mind, heart and soul dinning at the captain's deck, Taking turns at the wheel and shouting for the sails to be turned East. Just remember that the biggest boat the people of 1912 had ever seen hit an iceberg and sunk at the middle of the night. That's the story of the Titanic, It didn't end there though, 80 plus years late, a group of young writers and film makers dove deep down into the big Blue ocean to discover and tell the story of this Magnificent Giant, a romantic Movie was born... The engineers and welders who put the ship together had no idea their work would co tribute  to the love life of the 21st century people... So, Whatever you are doing in Life, Even if you are not doing it for your own satisfaction but for people's praises, it's fine... keep doing it... Even if you dont get the praise you were expecting, keep going, put in the endless efforts to leave a dent in this ...

The key to Life is Music,

It’s Music, The key to Life is Music, I know I should be saying life is like Music, but NO, Life is Music and vice versa, Music is Life. They are two sides of the same coin. Growing up I used to listen to Music without learning the lyrics, I never knew what was said in the songs and I didn’t care, but I knew the songs talked to me, I was the song. I didn’t understand this. I am sure you have also noticed this, that feeling when you are in sync with a certain tune/song. Trust me, it’s not the lyrics, it’s the other components of Music,  the likes of Tempo, Melody, Harmony, Rhythm. When the instruments come together to create what we now call a beat, the lyrics are just a bonus. If you go thoroughly through the Music on your phone, you will notice that you never listen to all the songs at the same time. When you play music, you would skip some songs and you would say “ I am not in the MOOD for this one ”. The reason you do that is because that particular song w...

Let you Be, Allow you to Be.

One day I was attending a wedding… Ok, let me tell you about me and weddings for a little bit. I grew up in a rural area, a village as some would call it, famously known in the Eastern Cape as “ ez’lalini ” or “ ez’nkeva ”… growing up I attended a few weddings, I guess my people are fond of ‘ Vat n Sit ’ or it might just be economic challenges. So when I went to a wedding, keep in mind I was a kid, we would play around the tent until some lady called us to stand in a line and give us food. You typical samp & beans, cabbage and gravy. If you got a potato, you were one lucky sanafabish and you better pray the bullies don’t find out. Now the dilemma with a potato is that you can’t just quickly down it, it will choke you and you can’t savour it, you’ll get your behind kicked then lose your potato. See, it’s tough being a kid, choices, choices, choices… So I grew a bit older and the next weddings I attended I would sit inside tent. This was still in rural area so the same s...

journey Tips

Recently a friend shared a link with me, it was a video on You-Tube titled " An Intimate Conversation with DeVon Franklin & Meagan Good "  [ Here it is ] Long story short, the video is about sex and why one should ' wait ' to do it with their partner. You can watch the video if you want to, but don't worry, you don't have to watch for you to follow with the Blog.  The are just notes I picked up from the Video, They are not the summary of the video but thoughts the video triggered, they are applicable to a wider range of things. 1. The video started on a high note by them explaining the difference between ‘ waiting’  and ‘ abstinence ’. Basically abstinence is when you are told not to do something, it’s FORBIDDEN. Oh and we all know about the “ forbidden fruit ”, it just makes you want it even more, it brings out the FOMO in us. Now for ‘ waiting ’, waiting is a choice, waiting has a “WHY” attached to it, there is a GOAL attached to waiti...


 ( Fulfilled ) Everything and everyone has a purpose, and all those things are happy when they are fulfilled. An apple tree is happy when its growing apples, a river is happy when it's flowing. A glass is happy when it's full of Coke and sad when it is empty. A smartphone is happy when you search the internet and read books and documents on it and it is sad when it is just sitting there not being used or only being used for WhatsApp and selfies, because it has a greater purpose... On your journey through life, find that thing that makes you happy when you do it, more than anything... And do MORE of it... # Mzukhology


If you knocked at the door of Lady Opportunity, what would she say?? "Uxolo bhuti, ndingak'nceda?" Or would she say: "Hey, how are you? Come in, let's talk about your bright future?" See the good thing is both these responses are controlled by the individual knocking at her door seeking the road to success. That individual must be prepared, [ahlambe], they must look beautiful and Lady Opportunity must have a crush on them, "love at first sight" , then they will show thee the way to success... And if life is a bitch, then Opportunity is the slutty cousin. Some times she feels like having a one night stand and she just stroll around looking for some random guy to give the good stuff to. And when you are that lucky bastard you better be prepared.  It is said that: "It's better to be prepared and not get an opportunity that get an opportunity and you are not prepared" Because if the latter happens, you will hate you...

Rubber Stamp

We should all Strive NOT to be " Rubber Stamps " in our own God given lives... These are our own lives dammit, remember "YOLO"?? that shit still applies... We Only Live Once, ok it's WOLO now 😋 Let's break down 'rubber stamp'... According to : "rubber stamp" as a verb: "To endorse or approve uncritically; to pass routinely or automatically."  Jah, it's sad... Last week I drank 4 bottles of whiskey with some friends, because one of them sent me a text " let's go out "... I went out, it seemed like it didn't matter that I wanted to stay indoors and watch a dozen movies... Now my primary school teachers would call that 'Peer Pressure', but I would like to disagree, no one held a gun to my head to go out drinking. So please that mentality must fall... When you call it peer pressure 'responsibility' falls away, and it's not logical to blame other people for crap t...

Death of Racism

Today I was walking into the building I reside at, when a very young white boy smiled at me and waved his hand ✋... This stunned me, but I didn't want to show it so I smiled back and raised my thumb 👍 The boy changed his 'wave' to a 'sharp' too 👍 Hah, Nelson was right after all: "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." That lil boy made my day ☺ # Mzukhology

Mzantsi Farm

I recently read an ancient book recommended to me by a good friend of mine, the book is Animal Farm by George Orwell . This is a very good book, this book gets the “OMG” in me to scream like a lil girl. It would a great deal if the government bought a million copies and gave them to the youth [18 – 35 years], but for obvious reason you too would understand after reading the book, our government would NEVER do that. I am even surprized the book is not banned in high school. My friend thinks the kids are too young to interpret and understand the book, they are too occupied with anxiety of the high school environment. They are worried whether they will remember the characters and their roles in the story for their upcoming exam. We know this, solely because we are all guilty of it. In high school we use the CPF-Method. Cram-Pass-Forget, then it’s on to the next grade, didn’t give a !@#% whatsoever. Anyway, this is a very fascinating book. I personally recommend YOU to get yo...