
Showing posts from February, 2016


The term seem too easy, too basic, just because it’s a common term, but do you really know what it is and its proper application? And please, when you try to define “knowledge” in your head differentiate it from “wisdom” for wisdom is the complicated version and the application of knowledge, another story by its self but will be integrated in this post together with sayings such as “knowledge is power”, the likes of “ignorance is bliss” and many more. If you type the word “knowledge” in Google this is what appears: “Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.” Key Notes: 1. Facts The knowledge you gather for yourself and for your benefit must be facts, it must be the type of knowledge that will build and elevate you or make you stronger than yesterday and prepare you for the storms of tomorrow. With that being said, I would like to exclude “gossip” as a branch of knowledge, ...

My name is...

There is something the youth doest realize, it doesn't realize that everything in anything is equally important. lets take the a car as an example: which is the most important body part of a car??? Engine? steering wheel? gearbox (& gear lever)? wheels? Most people answered " engine " since it creates the motion, but where is that motion going if the car doesn't have it 4 four wheels??? even that engine that is soo trusted can not create that motion without fuel (petrol/diesel). Now how does this concept apply to us as the youth?? we are not cars or engines... The point is everything works together to achieve as certain goal. I might be 99% correct on this but I think everyone wants to be successful in life. Is it??? Good... continue reading, this is for you... if your want to be successful, you have to ensure that all aspects of your life work together in achieving this. Yes people do go to school and get good grades, brush their teeth everyday, wipe their b...

Roses and Guns

As he is aroused by the bittersweet scent of the crimson bullet, A super critical flow rushes through his veins to his heart. As the fading rose subdues into shades of scarlet, And so he knew their paths would part. A Rose and a gun would have all the symbols of a setting sun, One that would rise no more. To a romantic the rose would've brought love and affection, To a soldier the gun would've brought security and protection. Instead the gun would take a soul and the rose would rest the soul in peace, For the being left to smell the crimson scent and lay the metal rose on marble stone. The sun has set and for the night he'll be alone, Sleepless nights to be spent in thoughts of dimensions unknown. Roses and Guns, could've been there to help them grow older. Yet a beautiful flower and a smoking barrel would tear them apart forever. - Litha Peter

Valentine's Day Stories

What is love??? This is what Wikipedia had to say about it: " Love  is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal  affection " [Ref.]  Well, let us explore "what is love"... ( WARNING: The following content is disturbing and not for the faint hearted ) Below are a few Valentine’s Day stories, find yours or comment with yours, we would love to know it… The Vultures!!!   Nigga!!! My Nigga… Don’t fuck up, Don’t neglect your wife, Because am there, in the background waiting, Waiting for you to fuck up. Then finally when you do,  I’ll console and fuck your wife, Telling her all your wrongs and why am Mr right. It’s like doing a bed time story about Pros and Cons, Am Superman, you’re King Kong. You may climb high with your wife, but my nigga you’ll fall, You don’t have kryptonite on me, so am the Boss, “huh”. Now and then you’ll ask yourself shit like: “Is it bird or is it...

Black Tax

I know them kids won’t get this but please don’t imaging a buff navy-black Nigerian dude walking with a bull dog and a baseball bat, knocking on your front door screaming “fool, where’s my money” when you hear that term. Let me help you there, I want you to go deep down in your heart… Don’t go too deep, I know down there is where them un-forgiveness skeletons stay… So come up a lil bit, jah right there… You see those people?? The ones you love… Your family and friends… Those are the people you should think about when you here the term “black tax”, I know it’s hard to believe it, but do, because it exists and it’s out there, what matters is how affected you are by it and your attitude towards it. Before I go on: I KNOW THIS TOPIC IS A SLIPPERY SLOPE AND A MATTER OF PERSONAL PREFERENCE BUT I’LL TAKE A SLAM AT IT ANYWAY!!! Let’s try and define this “black-Tax” There is an article I saw on the Mail and Guardian’s website, the man described black tax as being the meat o...

Hey you!!!

Hey you,   Ngibiza lon' oshaya ngelove gap! ♡ Lo angunomdakazana/ Ngibiza wena ntombi yakwaXhosa kwaGcaleka/ Ngisho lo amfushane kunabanye ♡ Lo unamehlo amancane kunawabanye ☆ Ngisho wena nkosazan' enhle Ngifuna nje ukushaya ngebullets zothando ngikungcwabe la entliziyweni khona ngizofa nawe/ Hay' suka sisi ndihamba nawe   Njalo nje ekseni ngizokuvusa ngesingisi sikaWallet wena skeem sam. Uthando lwam... Ngiyakunika sthandwa sam ♡ Ngiyakubiza wena, Hey you!!! ‪#‎ Qhalo_The_Poet *I personally think if Taxi Drivers and Construction workers would approach ladies in this manner, their success rate would dramatically increase*

An attempt at the legendary Mystery

There are a lot of mysterious things on Earth, things we don’t have answers to. Who built the pyramids? Who shot Chris Hani? When is the world coming to an end? All these mysterious keep us talking and intrigued, but the most mystery of them all, “How to make a relationship work”, not his one is a killer, because there have been so many trial n Errors but still no one has come up with a Generic formula for the public. With all the technology in the world all we can think of and do is try, fail and on to the next one. This has been a mystery since the days of William Shakespeare, why do you think he made so much money and accumulated all that fame writing about it, because a lot of people want to know. Shakespeare wrote: “Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediment” , but we can’t find these “true minds” to show us this love. He didn't give up, he wrote again: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” , but really dog?? A summer’s da...

Where are my fellow Feminists at???

Self-Proclaimed Feminist!!! The society we live in is gender bias, young women are socialized into thinking that to be a proper girl you must be domesticated. Girls who cannot cook are a disgrace and not marriage material because females are seen as home makers not professionals or potential leaders. Women in the work place are not taken seriously because men refuse to see them for more than their sexuality. When my grandmother and I were watching the news she was shocked to see that there was a female soccer team, Banyana Banyana because even though they win more than Bafana Bafana they do not get as much attention. Many people think that feminists are a bunch of old ugly women who want to antagonize men because no one wants them. As a feminist I don’t think men should be sent to Pluto and the world would definitely NOT be better without them but the goal of feminism is to try and empower women, young and old so that they know their self-worth, potential and do not h...

Hlasela Mafutha

For centuries philosophers have been saying "laughter is the best medicine" I agree, that's why am soo healthy and always happy... now for the peeps struggling with weight loss, here is a tip I saw on Facebook: Fat man saw an ad: "lose 5kg in a week" in a newspaper. He calls the company & lady says be ready tomorrow at 6am. The next morning he opens the door & finds a hot babe with just shoes, undergarments & blouse saying: "you catch me u f*ck me!" & the girl starts running. He starts running but doesn't catch her. During the whole week he tried to catch her but couldn't.  However he loses 5 kg. He then asks for the 10kg program. Next morning at 6 he opens the door and sees an even hotter babe in shoes, thong & a shirt saying: "You catch me You f*ck me". He loses 10 kg that week. So he thought this program is awesome! Lets try the 25 kg! So he asked for the 25 kg but the lady said "Are You Sure? its real...

The Lazy Youth...

The South African Youth is Lazy, we could argue about this from many different vintage points, but for now let’s stick to what I think, you will write what you think, I think it is called freedom of speech or expression in the constitutions. So I am going to repeat what I said, the Youth is Lazy, but in our defense, it’s not our fault, it’s our government. They making us lazy by feeding lies, they pump false hope into our minds, hope of a better tomorrow, hope for a brand new South Africa, hope for the “land of opportunities”. The government always feeds us with these promises of how easy things will be tomorrow, we must just hang in there, they are busy with “strategic planning”. A quick recent hot example is “Free Education”, kwaa kunini ngo 194…They tell us how they will create all these “jobs” and opportunities for the youth, and the sad part is we buy into this Bull shit. No, I think I said that wrong, WE ALWAYS BUY INTO THIS BULLSHIT. How does this work??? O...