
The term seem too easy, too basic, just because it’s a common term, but do you really know what it is and its proper application? And please, when you try to define “knowledge” in your head differentiate it from “wisdom” for wisdom is the complicated version and the application of knowledge, another story by its self but will be integrated in this post together with sayings such as “knowledge is power”, the likes of “ignorance is bliss” and many more. If you type the word “knowledge” in Google this is what appears: “Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.” Key Notes: 1. Facts The knowledge you gather for yourself and for your benefit must be facts, it must be the type of knowledge that will build and elevate you or make you stronger than yesterday and prepare you for the storms of tomorrow. With that being said, I would like to exclude “gossip” as a branch of knowledge, ...