The Voice

In our lives we hear many voices, they come in many languages and tones. We hear the voice of our parents proud and angry at time, I had a shouting mom, so I know loud voices. We hear voices of our friends filled with cheerful laughter. We hear the voices of the grieving, voices filled with pain and grief. Out of all the voice we can hear in our lives there is one voice all Christians have to recognize at all times, a voice that Christians know not its tone of, nor language, but its message dwells in the hearts and minds of Christians, this is a universal Voice, an all-in-one type(a) deal…

This Voice makes grand entrance to the audience of the Earth now and then... Like the time it came out of nowhere and said:

 Matthew 3:17 (GNT)

"Then a voice said from heaven, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased.”

So this Voice lives in us, yes believe it, this voice lives in YOU... That is why you are the only one who will hears the Voice when it speaks... This is the voice of the God, the voice of the Lord, the voice of Jehovah...

Yes, the Lord live in you, which is why some preachers refer to the human body as a "temple", kaloku you must remember how we came about:

Genesis 2:7 (GNT)

"Then the LORD God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live."

So when the Lord "breathe into" He left his presents in us, the human body... Then that explain why you can hear God without any mic and speakers... I guess it explains why you can hear God in your sleep and during the times and places when you think you are most alone… There is a large number of people that believe that “uThixo umcinga xa ku sleg” kanti NO!!! xa ku sleg is when everything you believed in has turned its back against you but the voice of God would still be talking to you, it is only then you start to listen… and when everything is back to being OK, the noise comes back but God still continues talking in the background…

As I said before, when the Voice speaks, the voice doesn't call a rally, the voice speaks to individuals, and when the voice speaks to you, you can be either one of these two gentlemen:

Man 1

Genesis 12:1 (GNT)

"The LORD said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's home, and go to a land that I am going to show you."

This man listened to the voice, he did what the voice told him to do, and I remember he almost butchered his ONLY son one time just because he listened to the voice...

Man 2

Jonah 1:1-2 (GNT)

"One day the LORD spoke to Jonah son of Amittai. He said, “Go to Nineveh, that great city, and speak out against it; I am aware of how wicked its people are."

This man didn't listen to the voice, he thought he could hide from the voice. He tried his luck but was unsuccessful. If I remember clearly the voice found him deep in the ocean and took him back to land by the means of a giant fish...


Man 1

When the voice speaks, we listen, we obey, we do what it says without question nor doubt in our hearts. As I said, Abraham once took his only son to offer him as a sacrifice because the voice said so, he didn't have buts or maybes, he didn't brainstorm with the voice to try and struck a better deal to suit him, he obeyed, so to all those who hear the voice, Obey... and only that, simply OBEY…

Man 2

The voice spoke, but Jonah tried to control his own destiny, the voice didn't panic, it simply showed him who the boss is... Jonah had to sleep in a giant fish to get the idea, but can just simply listen to the voice and OBEY…

The voice can tell you many things, but one thing you should always know, it will never lead you to harm. As King David said:

“The lord is my shepherd”

We all know what a shepherd does, it is there for guidance… so make the Lord your shepherd and you shall not want, because He will guide you to green pastures for you to lay and rest, and when you are thirsty, He will guide to the still waters, am talking about the likes of Valpré, aQuellé, BonAqua, etc. The Lord will revive you and restore your soul, I don’t care where you are, He will find you and be with you, even though you may walk the darkest valley, trust me you will fear no evil , no tsotsi or ghost. I have noticed that a majority of today’s youth has hater, worry not, for the Lord will prepare you a table before your "haters", and let them all watch you success, if you just listen to the voice, surely goodness will follow you all the days of your life…

This voice promised once:

Jeremiah 29:11 (GNT)

"I alone know the plans i have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for"

So if you want the future you hope for, close your ears and open your heart, so that you can listen to the voice… a journey awaits you, you success awaits you... Just listen to the voice...


  1. AMEN. Thank you for these beautiful words. 🙌👌👌👏👏


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